Alexander Kai

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Alex's Vocabulary

Alex has become a regular chatterbox lately. He will use complete sentences and everything! He is so much fun to have a conversation with!

Alex: "Mama, where is Dada?"
Me: "He is at work today."
Alex: (hands me my cell phone) "Dada should come home now and play."

I was dressing Alex in a shirt that Jenniffer got him that says "Auntie Rocks!" So I was going to put it on him yesterday.

Me: "Alex, come on lets pick out some clothes."
Alex: "Alright Mama"
Me: "Look, its a cute shirt Auntie got you!"
Alex: "That shirt is uuuggllyyyyyyyy"

He could be running around in a shirt and undies, and as soon as you tell him we are leaving he'll run around.

Me: "Come on Alex lets go bye bye"
Alex: "My shoes! Mama my shoes!"
Me: "Alex, how about your pants?"
Alex: "No Mama, my shoes!"

So Apparently he could run around outside pant-less but not without shoes lol

He wouldn't put his shoes back on in the car

Me: "Alex you need to put you shoes back on. How are you going to walk to Nana's house with out your shoes on?"
Alex: "I'll run Mama!"

Alex is allowed to watch either one show, or have 1 story read to him every night before he goes to sleep. You have to have him tell you how many shows, or how many books he's going to watch or have read. He'll put his little finger up and say "1 book Mama!"

If he wakes up in the middle of the night, he'll still say "I book Mama" LOL

Me: "Alex, Uncle Matt is coming to visit this weekend do you want him to go Trick or Treating with you?"
Alex: "Yes, yes, yes! I'm scared!"
Me: "You are scared of Trick or treating or Unlce Matt?"
Alex: "Trick or Treating Mama! Other Uncle saves me!"

LOL So Apparently Uncle Matt will protect him from Trick or treaters! LOL

My baby is so cute!!! Such a big boy!!

He is pretty much potty trained during the day. Some days are better than others. But he's going great!! He is so cute! I love him so much!!!!!!!


Kimberly said...

Once again who told him he could grow up so fast! Such a big kid now! I love that he is talking all crazy though...cracks me up...such an opinionated young man! (0:

Tania said...

I know seriously! I turned the TV off last night and he said "Mama! Great! YOU broke it!" LOL

Sue said...

How FUNNY!!!!!!!

He is SUCH a smart, delightful little boy . . . thank heavens his 'other uncle' is coming to protect him from Halloween monsters!!! ;o)

Michelle said...

How cute! He has the funniest personality!