Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


My internet at home was down yesterday, so I couldn't blog! Tragic I know! haha Anyway I went back to work on Monday after 2 weeks off! It wasn't too bad. Except for it being 32 degrees when I left! That was COLD!!!!! Brrrr The kids were nice and calm. I guess they needed the 2 week break (o:

We didn't do much yesterday except work, and make dinner. David decided he NEEDS to have roller-blades! Yikes! I am not that graceful on flat land now put wheels under my shoes! yikes! that would not be pretty! haha so since Alex got skates for Christmas I can help Alex learn to skate while David roller-blades.

It's been raining here since Sunday, so we probably wont be going to the snow this weekend. Maybe next weekend.... Oh well! We can go get our updated family picture taken this weekend instead! (o: We haven't had one done since Alex was about to turn 2! Slackers I know! (We take pictures as a family ALL the time, I mean professional studio pictures haha) I'm excited! (o:

Oh and PS. David sucks! He read an entire book in one night! Why can't I do that?! Oh yeah because I like sleeping too much to stay up until 2am reading! haha Weirdo!


Kimberly said...

David is so accident prone though! Him on roller blades scares me! He can't even walk up a hill with a box without it trying to take him out!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Make sure and videotape this roller blading shinanigans!

Sam said...

I love skating... so fun. This makes me want to skate - too bad it's freezing and rainy here!

Sue said...

OH that is SO cute . . . David and Sami used to LOVE to roller skate when they were little kids . . . It actually is great exercise . . . I think it is a good idea, though . . . yeah . . . falling down from SIX (plus) feet is a little more dangerous than falling from THREE feet . . . I hope he is careful!!! (And there isn't even much GRASS in Arizona to aim for if you are gonna fall)

Matt said...

He'll be all right- his balance has improved slightly since he was six. And hopefully he won't be jumping his own height vertically and then falling- that would be painful. But falling on your butt doesn't hurt much more than your pride.

Tell him to get kneepads, though- falling on your knees hurts.