Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I'm trying for the life of me to get Alex to fall asleep on his own! I should have done this when he was a baby, but I coudlnt let him cry himself to sleep! )o: I'm such a wuss haha So now I have this almost 3 year old that cant fall asleep on his own. He has decided that his room is "sppoky" and he has a hard time staying in bed all night without crying. I feel bad and am tired, so either he comes into our room, or i lay down with him in his room for a little while. I know that's lame. But i just cant let him cry himself to sleep! I just cant! so if anyone has any suggestions that dont involve letting him cry himself to sleep please feel free to let me know! He doesnt nap all day so I know he is tired! oh well crazy kid haha


Sue said...

Awww . . . poor little guy . . . poor SLEEPY mama!!! =o(

Sometimes it works to use incentive charts . . . like a sticker chart, and for each night he stays in his own bed the WHOLE night, he gets a sticker . . . after a full week (or whatever) of stickers, he gets . . . a movie? a trip to the zoo? A meal at McDonalds? A little car? I don't know . . . whatever will motivate him. He is a VERY smart little boy . . . so the trick is getting his brain power and efforts to work TOWARDS this instead of AGAINST . . . since it is simply a habit that needs to be modified . . . and you don't want to make him feel rejected or unloved while you 'modify' it . . .


{P.S. Beans in a bean jar work too . . . but don't make the jar too big . . . the progress has to be measurable and VISIBLE to a little kid . . . )

Tania said...

Yeah I could try a sticker chart. I should go get one today! Good Idea Sue!!