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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Oh my goodness sakes!"

A wise 2 year year old once said (ok more like says CONSTANTLY) "Oh my goodness sakes!" I have been so incredibly tired lately! Ugh! This pregnancy is sooo different than Alex's was already!!! With Alex I had NO nausea, no weirdo back aches. Ugh it's frustrating! Oh well it will be worth it in the end! (o: But still. I'm also already starting to show! I didn't start to show with Alex until I was like 12-14 weeks! I asked my doctor if this was normal, and at first she said :Of course, everyone having twins shows this soon!" I was like WHAT!? You didnt even do an unltra sound yet how do you know its twins! Then she said she was kidding, and said that it was normal for second pregnancies to "show" sooner, since your muscles aren't as tight as they were with your first pregnancy. I DO NOT have more than one "JellyBean" in there! (o:

Anyway It's like 8:30, and since Alex goes to bed at around that time I'm so ready for bed too!! There have been a few days this week that David has woken me up snuggled next to Alex. We read three books while laying in his bed. Then I usually would leave, but I've been falling asleep! LOL Opps! Good thing he has a twin, and he is a little guy so we both fit quiet nicely! LOL

I still need to tell my boss that I am pregnant! LOL I keep saying "Ok, I'll tell her today!" then either forget or just dont LOL Not that I think she'll be upset or anything, just I kinda feel silly saying "I'm pregnant!" LOL I dont know why! Since I'm starting to show I know I can't just say I am getting "fatter" just in a perfectly round belly shape! LOL that would fly! (o: Well anyway I decided I should post something today! (o:

One more thing, David, his Dad and brothers were planning a bike trip again, but I don't think it's going to happen. Too many people cant take off work so David was thinking that maybe Alex and I could fly down there on Thursday and maybe in we somehow could convince Grampa that we should go to Disneyland for a Disney-Day that would be fun! Oh I wonder if he would want to?!?!? What do you all think??? Remember Grampa, I could be for Alex's birthday!!!!! (Wait do 3 year olds pay at Disneyland?!? lol)


Michelle said...

Oh man, I do NOT miss being pregnant. But you are right, it is worth it in the end! I love that your doctor has a sense of humor. haha

Anyway, hang in there! Hmmmm...I sometimes want to go to bed at 8:30 too...I better not be pregnant!

Natalee said...

Maybe the difference this time is that you are doing MORE! You are working full time and then coming home and working more.

I hope it stays mild, I don't wish hard pregnancies on anyone.

If you guys DO come down, PLEASE let me know! Oh and I forgot to tell you but I was on the phone when you sent me that text and I just started cracking up. I was laughing so hard Tania!

Okay enjoy your early nights to bed.

Tania said...

I can only imagine my "funny" doctor during delivery lol (o:

I was working full time when I first got pregnant with Alex too Natalee. I was working even longer hours and crappy shifts too! The only difference is I wasn't working with kids ALL day and then going home to an almost 3 year old either! So we'll see how this goes lol

I will let you know if we come down! You guys should go to d
Disneyland too!! Alex and Konner play so GOOD together! (o:

(About the text; It's SO TRUE! LOL)

Mark said...

I think 3 is the age but I don't remember if it's 3 and under are free or 3 and over $$$. They've got a Birthday special thing where Birthday boys & girls can get in free but again I don't remember if that is a So. Cal only special or what.

I love the name you picked out. Is Jellybean for a boy, a girl or either? Does David get a raise or promotion if you guys name your baby after one of Keebler's products?

I bet David get's smacked the first time he calls you JellyBelly.

I love a Doctor with a sense of humor.. Oops was that important? Wait, I thought I just cut the cord...Well, here's your son ah daughter.

Sue said...

LOL Mark . . . that would NOT be a 'sense of humor' that would be SICK . . . and that doctor would shortly be unemployed . . . =oP

Sorry to hear you are feeling sick and draggy and achey, Tania . . . Being pregnant is hard work for your body . . . (but SOOOooOOOO worth it!!!)

LOL . . . twins, huh? You could name one 'jelly' and the other 'bean' . . . so the name would still work! ;o)

Sue said...

Oh, and yeah . . . three and older is when you start paying at Disneyland . . . but I don't think that will deter grampa! ;o)

I am sure he would be DELIGHTED to have a disneybuddy and grandson to go to Disneyland with!!! =o)

Tania said...

Yeah I've seen the commercials with the "Get in Free on your Birthday" thing. So I wonder if you have to show proff it's your birthday, or you can just say its your birthday> We'd be there a week or so AFTER Alex's birthday so I wonder if that would work? hmmm

Yeah I'm pretty tired ALL the time! Oh well! LOL