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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu!

Yikes! We had an emergency staff meeting today regarding the swine flu. Maricopa County (where we live) has one case of the swine flu. It's an 8 year old boy. He is recovered now, but his school is closed. There are 4 more "potential" swine flu cases here too. They are waiting for test results to come in to either deny or confirm the cases.

Anyway during our meeting today we were given a list of symptoms to watch out for, and if any of the kids have any of them we need to send them to the nurse ASAP. The nurse has sent home like 8-10 kids a day! I'm so paranoid at work because I can't even take much of anything for a regular cold, none the less the swine flu!

They also told us that if the 4 potential cases come back positive the ADE (Arizona Department of Education) and the AZ Health Department will be closing all schools in Maricopa County for a week or two. The "extra" vacation would be fun, but I would rather not worry about that!

Alex has been sick for about a week now. He is pretty much over it now, but when I was reading the list of symptoms which include fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, runny nose ect I was like "OH CRAP!!!!!!!! MY baby has the swine flu!" Then I kept reading and it said SEVER head aches, difficulty breathing, fluid sounding lungs and was like "Phew he doesn't have any of those" Besides I took him to the drs last week, and they said he was ok. But geesh my heart was pounding the first section!

Kim told me that Corona has 2 swine flu cases! SCARY! WEAR MASKS PEOPLE!! And San Diego has cases too! Ack!

Anyway now that I've freaked myself out again it's bed time lol

(Enjoyed my UP LIFTING post?)


Sue said...

When I was so sick over the weekend, everybody I told, was like "OH NO . . . hope its not SWINE flu" . . .

Apparently it wasn't . . . because I lived!!! YAY!!! I am fond of living . . . glad it gets to continue . . .

Every few years a particularly nasty flu virus sweeps through . . . I think this one is scaring people because there is so much gloom and doom in general with the economy in the dumpster and the whispered rumors of bio terrorism and all . . .

It IS extra scary with little kids (and being pregnant and all) . . . STAY SAFE, EVERYBODY!!!!!

(That is an ORDER!!!) ;o)

Michelle said...

LOL. What an "uplifting" post! It is scary though! I guess it is good that everyone is taking extra precaution because I guess that will make it so that it doesn't spread as much - hopefully. Working in a school like that has got to add a new level of worry though - just with so so so many kids!

Since Nathan is sick right now, I am like EXTRA paranoid about taking him outside ANYWHERE because I don't want him to catch it! There are several cases in TX and of course Mexico is nearby, so it just makes me worry. Not a ton, but a little. Hopefully it will all be over soon!