Alexander Kai

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I am so bored today its not even funny! I couldn't be a stay at home Mom! LOL We were super productive this morning though!

-Finished ALL the laundry
-Folded and put away ALL the laundry
-Washed dishes (Breakfast AND Lunch)
-Cleaned up toys
-Read books
-Built like 7 different roads out of legos
-Took a walk around out neighborhood.
-Got the mail for the past like 5 days! Yikes!
-Went online
-Started dinner
-Looked for entertaining stuff online (No such luck!)
-Watched shows with Alex
-Tried to convince Alex to take a nap
-Tried to convince Alex to play alone so I could take a nap
-Gave up trying to take a nap
-Tried to convince Alex to give me a massage
-Was told to give Alex a massage
-Gave Alex a massage lol
-Did some lesson planning for next week
-Got bored after like an hour
-Found some new friends on facebook lol
-Saw cute pictures of Dean and Ashleigh
-Started planning my classroom set up
-Got a million snacks (for Alex)
-Tried to convince Alex that apples were better than cookies for a snack
-Ate apples while Alex had cookies lol

And to think after all of this it's only 3:15 and I'm bored! I so couldnt do this everyday! lol I usually have stuff planned to do so I'm not so bored. We are rarely ever home all day. But we cant go to my parents house due to it being a construction zone lol So we are stuck at home. Its only around 102 so it's not THAT hot. I should have taken Alex to a water park or something. But its super overcast out, and I dont want him to burn! Oh well!!


Michelle said...

LOL! I loved reading about your day. Sooo funny!

Yeah, being a stay at home mom can be very REPETITIVE and slow moving sometimes. But I always feel like I have so much to do (not necessarily fun stuff) and so many projects I WANT to work on so I really don't get bored. And it is super hot here AND I don't usually have a car. It can suck sometimes, but I still love it! :)

Sue said...

LOL @ 'ate an apple while Alex ate cookies' . . . that seriously cracked me up!

I think transitioning to a major change is the HARDEST . . . going back to work one usually feels frazzled and stressed (if used to being at home) and someone used to working, being at home with so much unstructured time . . . those are difficult transitions, because they are so different . . .

In each case, you soon hit your stride and adjust and adapt . . . You sound VERY productive . . . I am impressed . . .

So what are your parents doing to their house? A full remodel of some kind? Or just repairs or what?