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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Our wedding Day!
November 13, 2004

Our 1 year Anniversary (one day early)

Our 2 year Anniversary

Our 3 year Anniversary


David and I have officially been married for 4 years today! We've been together for almost 8 though! Seems longer some days! I guess because we've been a couple for a lot longer than actually married! (o:

We aren't doing anything today, well because I was ever so nice and let him go to Texas on his motorcycle trip with his brother and Dad to visit his sister and her family!

So here I am at work lol (kids are at P.E! I love Tuesdays and Thursdays) and he is at the zoo probably! lol

We'll celebrate when he gets back! (o:


Kimberly said...

geez it doesn't seem like that long ago that we were doing stuff for your wedding or your baby shower for that matter...oh how the time flies!!! and what a nice wife you are letting the hubby go on a roadtrip!

Kimberly said...

ha ha tell him he owes you a tahoe!!!

i forgot that part before!

Sue said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY . . . you ARE a VERY sweet, understanding wife . . .

I hope you feel THOROUGHLY celebrated and thanked when he returns!!!! =o)

He is VERY lucky to have you . . . and I know that HE knows that, too . . .