Since I have been blessed with the worlds easiest baby I can sit and write down his birth story! (o:
I've been pretty much DONE being pregnant for a few weeks now. I mean I was BEYOND done lol I was HUGE and tired, and my leg kept swelling, and I couldn't sleep properly. So I was pretty much done. I also came to the point where I decided that I would pretty much be pregnant FOREVER! On Saturday the 26th we went to our friends Brenda and Victor's daughter Sierra's 6th birthday party. I was feeling pretty tired all day, and Alex and I took a little nap together (when I say little I mean less than 20 minutes lol). Then we got ready and went to the birthday party. Like 2 hours into the party I started having contractions like every 2 - 5 minutes apart so we decided it was probably time to go home. We live like seriously 2 minutes away from each other so it was a short drive, and what do you know!? Contractions STOPPED completely!!!! Grrr Oh well! So on Sunday I felt great, David and I cleaned the house, and did some laundry. We also went grocery shopping and to the movies and watched G.I Joe since David had been wanting to watch it and hadn't had a chance to see it and it was leaving the theatre. So it was nice to have a little date alone (o:
On Monday I felt fine. No contractions at all. Everyone at work was SHOCKED that I was even at work! My principal Mr. Todd pulled into the parking lot at the same time I did, and waited for me to get out of my car and helped me with my lap top and stuff was like "Baby Gabe has the gestation period of a baby elephant!" LOL Gee thanks! But all day went ok, nothing weird. No contractions nothing! Oh well I figured I'd go to my due date or a few days later. Oh well! David and I took Alex to Borders and bought a new book for David. He couldn't find the books he wanted so he ordered them online and paid for 2nd day delivery.
Tuesday the same thing. No pains nothing. Nada. Zip! I told David that I I was feeling good. And we played with Alex and I talked to Sam about people always HAVING to go to their due dates! It's not fair for people to have babies weeks, days whatever early LOL And Alex and I went to bed. David stayed up later than he usually would have because he took Wednesday off to go to the dentist and the DMV and get some stuff taken care of. I jokingly told him "Don't stay up too late because knowing your luck Baby Gabe will be born tomorrow" LOL And we laughed because yeah right I wanst going to go into labor for at least another 2 weeks!
Wednesday at like 1am, I woke up because Alex was calling me. I went to check on him, and he went back to sleep. So I went back to sleep. At like 2:10 I felt this weird popping sensation, and jumped out of bed (dont ask me HOW since it usually takes me like 5 minutes to get up and take the first few steps lol) and ran to the bathroom and felt this HUGE gushing. I was like "Dang I had to pee BIG time!" I got up and felt it again! So I was like Um did I just totally pee my pants?!? And changed and got up again and another GUSH! So I decided yeah this is not pee! This has to be my water! So I went to wake up David and told him he needed to get up because my water had just broken. And felt another gush coming, so I ran back to the bathroom. He thought I was kidding, and I called him from the bathroom and asked him if he heard me? LOL And told him to call Jenniffer while I took a shower to let her know we were taking Alex to my Mom and let her know. She didn't answer her phone. So I told David to go ahead and get Alex ready anyways because we were going to take him there regardless. So after I took a shower and got dressed I called my sister and told her to let my mom know my water had broken and we were going to take him to her. So I change again, and we get our stuff and head out the door. Since I thought we still had time we hadn't installed the car seat, or put the head support thing in there yet or anything. I dont even remember who grabbed the car seat and head support but it ended up in the hospital anyways LOL
We get to my Mom's house, (I wasnt having ANY contractions, so I was pretty relaxed and calm) while on our way to my Mom's house David realised he forgot his wallet on our kitchen table! So it was a good thing I wasnt contracting lol Once we got to my Mom's house Alex started crying because he wanted us to stay with him. Poor kid hates waking up early as it is, and being woken up at 3am was not fun for him. But he was pretty good about it. We told him we couldnt stay but would see him later on! He went to Jenniffer and was falling asleep so he was fine (o: We had to still go home and pick up David's wallet so he'd have money to eat lol I wasnt having any painful contractions at all, just what I had been experiencing the past few weeks. So I was feeling ok. We got to the hospital and I was leaking still, but not too bad.
Once we get to the Labor & Delivery Triage place I was checked and was already 5cm dilated and 100% thinned out. And my water had definitely broken so Jocelyn the nurse told me that I was definitely in labor and was not going to be sent home lol Well she asked me the 100 million questions that they ask you about your previous deliveries and health etc. She then asked me if I had a HUGE gush at home? Well since my dr broke my water with Alex I didnt know what a HUGE gush was so I said that I did lol Little did I know LOL So she sat on the bed to put in my IV and I felt water again and told her "Oh No! Its coming again!" and low and behold there was water everywhere! She was like "Yeah there is your GUSH!" LOL And laughed about it. I felt so bad because she got all wet too! She was like "Oh don't even worry about it, it will probably happen at least 5 more times before I go home!" And she helped me clean up and the went to change. I was like if that was me I'd be like "OMG GROSS!!!!!!!! That's it I'm going home!" lol But she was so nice about it. Said that it happens to her all the time and you would think she'd learn to stop sitting on the beds lol Oh well! So then we were taken into the labor and delivery room where I would have Gabe. They started my IV and called for an epidural. I wasn't having very painful contractions but they said I could have one whenever I wanted so I decided that I should get it NOW before I started to feel the contractions! I am a serious WIMP when it comes to pain! No thanks! Uh uh! So I got my epidural and it made the contractions I was feeling go away. So that was nice! (o:
After awhile my chest started to feel numb. So I told the nurse I was having trouble breathing and she called the anaesthesiologist back and he lowered it. Almost immediately I started to feel better! I was surprisingly cold though! I kept shivering and couldnt stop! David started looking through the drawers and cabinets to find me an extra blanket lol No luck though )o: Oh well!
At around 9am or 10am my sister came with breakfast for her and David. She called and asked me if it was ok to bring food for David she didnt want me to be STARVING and not be allowed to eat. I told her I was having a tasty IV lol so go ahead and bring food for him. I kept wanting to fall asleep, but couldnt get comfortable. I had to have this weird ball thing between my legs because Gabe was "Sunny side up" and this ball was supposed to coax him to flip face down. So I had to be on my sides. It was fun!
At some point David fell asleep and Jenniffer was playing with her phone so I was able to relax and listen to Gabes heartbeat. Then I noticed that whenever I had a contraction Gabe's heart rate would go down to like 85-90 bmp! Its supposed to be at 140-160bpm! So I was getting a little worried. Then the nurses and my doctor came in and told me that they were a little concerned about his heart rate and put an oxygen mask on so that Gabe can get more oxygen. I was at a 7.5 almost an 8cm dilated. My doctor had to go deliver someone elses baby, and we were left to rest. At one point David turned off the sound to Gabes heart rate monitor and moved the machine so I could no longer see it. Apparently his heart rate was at 45-50 bpm at one point! So thankfully David did that stuff because otherwise I would have freaked out! Well my nurse Roxane came back in and checked me and I was already at 10cms (this was like 30 minutes after I was almost at 8cm). Dr. Rosario (my OB) told her to have me start pushing to get Gabe down more. Well I pushed for about 10 minutes and Roxane was like "Stop stop stop pushing!" and ran out the door yelling "I need someone to come catch my baby!!!!!!!! NOW!" and she came back in and the pediatrician came in and Dr. Rosario came running in wearing her hospital booties, trying to get new gloves on and her coat. She came sliding in around the corner all fast! LOL I was like OMG! She's going to FALL! lol
I pushed for 24 minutes lol (according to David) and since my epidural was lowered earlier because it was numbing my chest, I could feel pressure from the contractions. Not really pain, but I could definitely feel uncomfortable pressure. It wasnt fun lol I felt when contractions were coming and I actually felt his head come out and as soon as his head came out I felt like instant relief! Then as soon as he was born and was crying Dr. Rosario was like "You were 10 minutes away from a c-section girlfriend! I just kept thinking about you and dreading having to do a c-section!" LOL (Same thing with Alex I was going to almost have a c-section with Alex too!) Gabe was born facing up, his arm came out at the same time his head did, and the cord was wrapped around his neck! Poor kid! no wonder his heart rate kept dropping! Poor baby! But thankfully he was born healthy regardless, and had APGAR scores of 9 and 9! (So did Alex!) (o:
(I'm sure I missed some stuff that I cant remember now, but oh well! lol)