Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gabriel Ryan 4 months

So Gabe is 4 months old now! WOW! Time sure does fly now that he is OUT! haha


Weight- 17lbs 4oz- 78%
Height- 27in-85th%
Head-18in- 90th% (hahaha my kids have BIG brains! lol Look at Alex, he is a GENIUS! lol)

Stuff to work on-

MORE Tummy time!! He HATES tummy time. I'm going to look for some tummy time mats today and see if those keep him entertained enough to hang out on his tummy!

Stuff he Does-
  • Smiles! He is such a happy baby! He loves to look at people until they look back, and then he gives them the BIGGEST smiles ever!
  • Laugh- Again he is very happy! He laughs all the time. Especially when you are changing his clothes or just talking.
  • Rolls to his sides- He doesn't roll all the way over yet, but he does roll from side to side, Any day now he's going to go all the way over!
  • Holds things- He LOVES to hold on to things! Especially HAIR! Seriously he pulls hair like a champ! lol So if you hold him and have long hair, watch out!
  • Chit chats- He LOVES to chit chat! He's been doing this for a few weeks now. He'll tell you his entire life story! Including sad parts LOL
  • Sleeps ALL night!- WOOHOO! He has his last bottle at 9pm, and doesn't wake up until 5:30am! He is seriously a good sleeper! (o:
Stuff he could start doing-

Eat solids! WOOHOO! He can start on rice cereal. So I'll pick some up for him today too! (o:

While he was being examined, the doctor found a small lump about quarter sized on his back. It didn't look like a bruise, but she didn't like it. So he has another appointment with his regular doctor on Wednesday to see if its gone, or if it's changed in size. Hopefully its nothing! Makes me worried when they find stuff! Ugh! )o: Please keep him in your thoughts so that that lump goes away! Thanks!

Poor little guy also got 3 shots! He was a sad baby last night. Wasn't crying or anything, but wasn't his happy go lucky self either. He is better today! (o:


Sam said...

I LOVE how he sleeps so well - he'll need to give Thundar some pointers ;o) ...also on being the happiest baby ever, those are SO skills he should share!

We'll keep him in our prayers, I hope the lump is nothing... still scary to have to worry about it until you find out more!

Sue said...

He IS like the world's HAPPIEST little baby . . . sooooo mellow and SO full of those huge ear-to-ear grins that are SO contagious . . . Sure do love that little guy . . .

We will keep him in our prayers, Tania . . . Let us know what you find out, ok?


Michelle said...

He is sooooo cute! I can't believe he is already 4 months old! Babies are so sweet and so much fun!

I hope that everything is ok with the lump. It is scary not knowing, especially when the doctors seem a little worried!!

Natalee said...

Man babies get big so quick! He is so darn cute and his smile is very contagious!

Let us know what happens when he goes back to the doctor.

Mark said...

It was fun hanging with David but I missed seeing you guys! Gabe looks awesome!

AustinFamily said...

You have some of the cutest boys ever!!! I love Gabe's gorgeous whole body smiles! Thanks for keeping us up to date with things. We included Gabe and you guys in our prayers this weekend along with our family prayers for little Mia too. We'll update on Tuesday from our end and you guys will be in our thoughts and prayers as we wait to hear more on Wednesday from your end.

Huggs to the Hendricksons from the Morenos! :)
