Alexander Kai

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Alex!

Today is my sweet little boy's 4th birthday! I can't believe how fast time goes by! I remember the day he was born! I remember being super irritated and upset when March 14th came and went, because that was my due date! I know one day doesn't seem like a BIG DEAL, but to an exhausted pregnant woman it IS! (o:

Anyway he was born March 15, 2006 at 16:16! He was 7lbs 5.5oz, and 19 1/2 inches long! He was a HARD baby! He has always wanted to be active and on the move. He never learned to crawl. He started walking first. AFTER his 1st birthday, and after he had been walking for a few months he learned to crawl LOL He didnt do it for very long though. He decided it was too slow and took too much effort to crawl lol So he ditched that pretty fast. He was a fast talker too. And he STILL talks a lot! Little chatterbox!

I love his sense of humor. He is so funny! He has a great attitude and is just an over all sweet boy!

His favorite sayings:

  • "Moooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm!"
  • "For funsies"
  • "Oh crap on a stick!" (Thanks to Daddy lol)
  • "Are you happy?"
  • "Look at my face, do I look happy to you?" LOL
  • "Lets play VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure there are a million more, but these are the ones he says most often LOL

His Favorite Things:

  1. Neow (Stuffed Lion)
  2. WowWow (Stuffed dog)
  3. His "lappy"
  4. His "little TV"
  5. Video Games
  6. Books
  7. His Mustang
  8. His Bike
  9. His Scooter
  10. Cars
  11. Sports Balls
He is a very active kiddo. He love running around, and loves when you read familar stories wrong. LOL He thinks its HILARIOUS and we crack up almost every night reading stories wrong.

He also loves its when we tell him to get dressed, and when he doesnt want to we tell him to put his clothes on the wrong parts of his body. ex

"Put your shoes on your shoulders"
"Put your socks on your nose"
"Put your pants on your toes"

And then he laughs and says "Mom! Shoes go on your feet!", and I say "No they dont! Show me! I bet they wont fit on your feet!" and he shows me where and how the right clothing belongs on the certain body part and before he knows it he is fully dressed LOL hahaha what a trickster we are! LOL

He is a GREAT big brother! He says "Mom if Gabe drops a toy, I will rush over to him and pick it up so he's not sad anymore!" LOL

The other day he told me "MOM! Don't say bad words to me!!!!!!"

I was like OMG! Wat did I say?!

Me-"What did I say?!"
Alex-"I can't say it Mom, its TOO BAD!"
(So I'm sitting there rewinding our conversation, and couldnt for the life of me think of what I said that was SO BAD!)
Me-"Just tell me, so that I wont say it again!"
Alex-"You said, 'It's time for bed!' Why did you say that bad word to me Mom?!"

I started CRACKING up! LOL In his mind going to bed is the WORST thing (besides having to Poop LOL) so when I told him that he had to go bed that was a horrid thing to say to him!!

He hates having to stop doing anything to go Poop LOL he gets so mad when he has to go poop! (LOL He will love it that I'm sharing this story with everyone lol) So the other day he told me that he only wants to poop on Thursdays LOL This was on Sunday! LOL

He is so funny! LOL I could go ON and ON about the shenanigains that he says and does.

Happy Birthday Baby! Mom and Dad love you!!


Michelle said...

This was SO much fun to read, especially since I didn't know you when Alex was a baby! :) I love your tricky way of getting him dressed. I may just have to steal that one! I love what your "bad word" ended up being! hahaha Happy Birthday Alex! I can tell that he is very loved!!! :)

AustinFamily said...

LOVED reading all your little stories about Alex! What a fun kiddo! I love all his little sayings and how you get him to get dressed in the sneaky parents you! :) I hope I can be as great a parent to Mia as you guys are to your boys. I love how much you talk to them about everything. Fabulous language development activities done every day in fun. Makes me so sad for those kiddos that come to school whith hardly any language development because no one at home takes the time to interact with them and TALK to them.
