Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Gabe has had a cough and runny nose since we got home from California. I didn't think it was a big deal since Alex and Gabe usually get runny noses and coughs when we leave CA since there are cats at Gramma's house and they are both allergic to them. So I've had the humidifier on for him and been watching him. On Thursday he was kinda crabbier than usual, but he was still ok. On Friday night he was VERY VERY cranky. I gave him a warm bath and that seemed to calm him down some. But he woke up at 11:30pm and wanted to snuggle. So we snuggled and he fell asleep. He woke up again at 1:45am, and was burning UP! He had a fever of 101.4. Thats the highest he's ever had! so we gave him tylenol and put a cold washcloth on his head. That seemed to help him and he fell asleep. At 4:10am he woke up again and couldnt sleep. He was very upset. David decided that he would be the one to get up and let me get some sleep. of course my babies dont ever want anyone else when they arent feel well. So he just cried and cried. So i went downstairs and sent David to bed. No use having both of us awake. About 20 minutes later Gabe was able to sleep, and we slept downstairs. I was very tired! We had friends over from CA this weekend too, so I felt bad that they ad to try and sleep while Gabe was crying, and felt bad for Gabe too!

We also had family pictures for my Mom today, and I was worried that Gabe would cry the entire time! He did very well during the pictures! So that was nice! After the pictures we went to Peter Piper Pizza for Alex's birthday (Isnt until the 15th) but since our friends were here we decided to celebrate his birthday a week early! (o: He had a lot of fun playing with Ashley! They get along so well! Share nicely and dont fight! I love it! (o: Anyway during this time Gave was sleeping, and he sounded really congested! So I decided that I should take him to Urgent Care and get him checked out.

While we were at Good Night Pediatrics (A pediatric urgent care that is opened from 5pm-5am everyday!) anyway he was tested for RSV and it came back positie. He has a mild case of it that doesnt require hospitalization, as long as we follow the doctors "tricks" as she called them. We need to use nasal drops everytime we offer him anything to eat or drink, or before he lays down. We also have to run boiling hot water and let the steam hit him for 20 minutes before bedtime every night too. And also keep him very hydrated.

RSV is scary if it gets into his lungs which right now are clear and sound good! PHEW! So we have our work cut out for us the next few days!

Never a dull moment with this little guy! But I would never change him for anything in the world!!


Sam said...

poor kiddo... I hope he feels better soon!

Kimberly said...

I felt so bad for was such a sad little cry too! Don't ever worry about us though friend. We were more concerned with him and you guys. I hope he gets better quick and that you all get some sleep! Keep me posted. Love ya!