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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Inspired... haha or just complaining!!

So I was reading my favorite cousin-in-law's blog, and I'm going to copy her. Only mine will be a "If you don't like it, get over it, or do something about it of the week!" type LOL

Call me lazy, a bad Mom, Wife whatever... I hate laundry! And I freely admit it! I hate ALL aspects of doing laundry and I will wait until the last possible minute to do any laundry!!! And when I do I spend most of the day doing it. So I will REFUSE... YES FLAT OUT THROW A TANTRUM LIKE A 19 MONTH OLD REFUSE to put it away!!!!!!!! Hey at least I will fold it! That SHOULD give me some points right?? AND!!!!!!! I'm making sure my family is always clean and dressed in clean clothes right?! Even if they can't wear the same clothes twice in one month LOL Anyway, I will seriously fold the laundry with every intention of putting it away, but my laundry room is downstairs and my bedrooms are upstairs. So you do the math. With Alex and Gabe being my shadows everywhere I go in the house, I can't carry a laundry basket upstairs AND Gabe. So down in folded piles IN the play pen they go. (LAZY!!!!!!! I know right?! Oh well! Like I said, at least my family will be wearing clean clothes! lol) . Now, if we are having company the clothes will be put out of sight out of mind.... IN my bedroom! It used to be put in neat piles on the bed in my computer room, but since David's brother and his wife are living in there, I figure that would be extremely rude for them to sleep on the floor so that my clean clothes could sleep on their beds HAHA So by the time they make it upstairs I now have two options, I can take up valuable room in my room with laundry baskets full of clean clothes, or I can put it all away. It's a 50/50 chance on which option I will pick.

Yes, thats extremely lazy and probably disturbing, but I have a few good reasons why putting laundry away is low...low on my priority list. First the already mentioned shadows that I have perpetually following my every move at home, plus the 40+ hours of teaching I put in (haha ok right now doesn't count as teaching because my kids are at lunch!), with grading and reading essays, thats probbaly a few million extra hours a week I WASTE.... er I mean put valuable detailed attention to. Then there is making sure my family eats dinner. It could be made my me, or picked up on the way home by me. (I need to invest in a chef) Then there is Alex and his karate, he loves it and how can I tell him he can't go to karate one day because I have to put laundry away??? That would be horrid! Then there is David and squeezing time with him between the kids and everything else I do. PLUS having Gabe is like having 3,548,932 extra kids!

So..... yeah putting laundry away is the LAST thing I want to do!!!!!

So there you have it, my first confession and entry in my "If You Don't Like it, then get over it, or do something about it" blog.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I like the idea of putting them in folded piles IN the playpen! lol I always get mine folded and put on the ground and then my little monsters destroy them and I wonder why I even bothered folding it in the first place!