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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nest in your belly?

We were trying to explain that Mommy has a baby in her belly to Alex, and he came up with his own conclusion.

Alex; "Mama, u have a baby in your belly!"

Me; "Yes, its a tiny baby right now"

Alex; "Is it like an egg?"

Me; "Yeah, kinda like an egg"

Alex; "MAMA! You have a nest in your belly!!!!!! I want to see! Open your mouth!"

LOL Weirdo kid!

He also says that he wants a BIG sister! He doesn't want a brother because he says that the baby brother will try and steal his toys! LOL Apparently come October he is going to be VERY disappointed when he doesnt get a big sister! LOL


Jennifer said...

that is really cute and funny.

Michelle said...

LOL! Alex cracks me up.

Sam said...

lol, I love little kids ideas... I thought you weren't telling him yet?! fun stuff - cool he can get excited about his 'big sister' too...

Tania said...

We had to tell him that he can't play rough with Mama for a little while because of the baby growing in her belly. That's when he decided it was an egg in a nest lol

Kimberly said...

Lol he will enjoy that little Dora Hendrickson Lopez or Boots Hendrickson Lopez all the same! He is going to be more of a menace than he is now! Teaching the new little one all the bad habits! Now he has someone else to blame things's going to be great! oh ya and I love that he wanted to look in your mouf! kids I tell ya! (0:

Sue said...


Hey, I want to see the nest TOO . . . LOL . . . that is too cute!

A big sister, huh? Maybe he is thinking that he would like a Sierra of his very own? ;o)