Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 7, 2011

Alexander Kai

The years are seriously FLYING by! I remember when I was a kid and my birthday, and Christmas always seemed sooooooo far away! Now, I'm going to start to plan Alex's 5th, yes i said F I F T H birthday party! How could that be possible?!?! Wasn't he just born last week?! He reminds me on a daily basis that he isn't my baby anymore! How tragic is that?! He is such a big kid and so independent (at times anyways). But I love that he will still come and snuggle with me (o: He is seriously the funniest kid ever! Says such random stuff all the time!

While we were in CA for the holidays, he told his gramma "Gramma, can you just tell me I'm awesome?!" LOL and he tells us all the time "Tell me I'm handsome" lol Which he IS awesome AND handsome, so they arent hard to do!! He sure can be frustrating at times too though! Like when it's time to eat, he ALWAYS is "Sooooo full!", or he HATES whatever we are eating. Even if we know that's a lie and he LOVES it. For some reason this weirdo child HATES to eat! Well unless you are giving him chicken nuggets, hot dogs, french fries, "Yucky Sandwiches", apples, oranges, rice, beans, and of course RANCH! That kid will seriously dip his eggs in ranch! ugh! But hey if he will eat it, I don't care that he has to have ranch too!

After we read his bedtime story every night we snuggle in his bed, and last night he asked me "Mom, what shape do you love me like?" and I said "I love you like a heart because hearts mean love" and he said "I love you like a circle mom, because it keeps going and going!" How AWESOME is that?! That he knows circles have no real end?! (o: I love my smart boy!

Even though he looks like he would be a bully, he so ISN'T! He is taller than most kids his age but he never takes advantage of that. Whenever we go to the park or a place where there are a lot of kids he never pushes or takes cuts in front of other kids, he always tells me "I'll just wait my turn Mom!", and eventually he will either wander away and do something else or WE have to kinda push other kids aside so he gets a turn too! (unlike Gabe who kinda knocks ANYONE over to get what he wants lol)

Ok, now to funny stuff he says!

For Christmas Santa brought him TWO Hungry Hungry Hippo Games. One at his Nana's house and one at his Gramma's house! (Does Santa know this kid or what?!) And all week he would play Hungry Hungry Hippos with Gramma. On New Years Eve he asked Gramma "Can we play Hungry Hungry Hippos just six times?" LOL Of course Gramma ended up playing like a million more games lol So when we were leaving, I asked him if he wanted to leave his game at Grammas so that he would have a Game to play with when we went back fro a visit since he had one at home too? And he agreed to leave it so that Gramma could Practice lol So last night he had been playing his other set of Hungry Hungry Hippos with Nana, and he asked me "Mom, can you do me a favor?" and I said "Sure, what?" and he said "Can you just drive to Gramma's house and pick up my Other Hungry Hippos game? I can't win using this one!" LOL Ummm sure buddy!

He is also a very sweet boy, he loves his brother so much! Even if Gabe does drive him crazy most of the time. Whenever Gabe is crying or sleeping, Alex goes up to him and sings him "You are my Sunshine". It's so sweet! (o:

1 comment:

Sue said...

This IS definitely one VERY delightful little boy . . . It was SO fun to have so MUCH time to enjoy him (and play roughly a MILLION games of Hungry, hungry hippos with him!) I sure do love this little guy . . . =o)