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Friday, April 10, 2009

Dr Appointment

I had a dr's appointment today. The babies heartbeat is between 155-160 bpm. Dr. Fernandez asked me if I wanted to know what her gut feeling was about the baby's gender. She said based on the heartbeat, the way I'm showing that she is pretty sure the baby is a GIRL! I have another dr appointment on May 11th, then 2 weeks later I have my BIG Ultrasound to confirm the babies gender! So let's hope Dr. Fernandez is right! (o:
(P.S. Don't get me wrong I will be HAPPY if the baby is a boy too!! Having 2 boys would be fun, having one of each would be fun too! (o:)
Oh yeah and I lost 5 lbs. So, so far I've lost 9 lbs! YEY! And everything else was good too!


Kimberly said...

That's great that everything is good with my new little friend whatever it may be. Guessing does nothing for me. I want to buy bebe stuff lol yellow is BORING! as your son would say. You are losing weight again. You are like the worst pregnant women ever not really any morning sickness and you lose weight lol once glad to hear all is well my friend. (0:

Natalee said...

I have been saying SHE is a GIRL from the beginning. I am probably wrong though.

I am board with Kim, buying baby stuff is SO fun.

Evelyn Camille Hendrickson! I LOVE it by the way!

Tania said...

I like loosing weight! So I come out lighter than before I was pregnant! haha

My dr said she has been wrong twice in her 20 year career! So we'll see!

Michelle said...

You and your weight loss pregnancies!! I gained SO much when I was pregnant! LOL Oh, and as far as names: "Michelle" if it is a girl and "Michael" if it is a boy. LOL

Tania said...

After I lost weight with Alex, by the end of my pregnancy with him I had gained a total of 8lbs, and he was 7 1/2 lbs plus all that yunk you loose while pregnant I ended up lighter than before I was pregnant (o: Hoping for the same thing this time around!

Sue said...

So the doctor isn't concerned about you losing weight while you are pregnant, Tania?

That is exciting . . . and guessing (and hearing other people's guesses) is fun too . . . I keep thinking of this baby as a girl, but I love the name Gabriel Ryan . . . so another little boy would be very welcome, too (LOL . . . not that I would be any less welcoming if I didn't like the name that was picked out . . . I just realized how stupid that sounded) . . .

I love shopping for babies . . . but it is even more fun when I know if I am shopping for a little girl or a little boy, so I think I am going to hold off til I know for sure what 'we' are expecting here (LOL . . . I hope you don't mind if I get territorial about MY grandbaby) ;o)

YAY for babies!!!! =o)

Tania said...

No my DR doesn't seem concerned about me loosing weight. She says a long as the baby keeps growing and we are both healthy then the weight loss shouldn't be a problem! (o:

I dont mind you getting territorial about your grand baby Sue! I cant wait to find out 100% what the baby is!