Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Well my blogging everyday with a picture thing sucked LOL I totally forgot the rest of last week! Oh well!!

So can someone please answer this question for me?


You'd think it would be Gabe who would be waking up every few hours, but nope Gabe is a good little sleeper! He goes to sleep at 9pm, and wakes up at 4am to eat and goes right back to sleep! And stays asleep until like 8 or 9am!

Alex on the other hand, goes to sleep at 8:30pm, and wakes up at 11:30pm, and then at 2am, and then at 4:30am, and the complains when I wake him up at 6:30am! Ugh! This kid is throwing off my sleeping groove! )o: Oh well what can ya do? They havent invented the mute button on kids yet!

Kids... gotta love them!

1 comment:

Sue said...

HMMMMM . . . that is odd. Does he wake up crying or upset like he had a bad dream or doesn't feel well? He might be growing, and kids sometimes get growing pains (not sure what those really are, but they are common enough that they named the phenomenon) . . . Nothing can really be done about it, but maybe some little kid tylenol . . .

It sucks though . . . has he always been a light sleeper at night? Glad to hear that at least you only have to deal with one waking up multiple times . . . if they both did that, it would definitely be worse . . .

This, too, shall pass, Tania . . . Maybe try that body wash that is supposed to help settle kids down? Ask Sam what it is . . . she would know . . . I only know that apparently it works really well . . .

Good luck!