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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Stairs+Buddled up sleeping toddlers=falling

So I had a rough morning lol (Sheesh it's only 8:27am!) I was rushing trying to get out the door this morning. I had to get my stuff, and Alex's stuff into the car, I wasn't wearing a sweatshirt or anything when I ran out, and man it was like a slap in the face cold!!!!! (I know, I know we don't know "Cold" Sam lol) But dang it was FREEZING! So I decided to just run to the car to throw our stuff in, and I tripped on the stupid little snowmen lights that *I* insisted looked GREAT right outside the front door! LOL Anyway I caught my balance and threw our stuff in the car. I rushed back inside and did a fast warm up jiggy lol Then I remembered that it was trash day!!!!!! Ugh! Back outside I open the garage door, and look inside the trash can and we only have a bag of empty dog food in it?? Where the heck is all of our trash? LOL Oh well I'm freezing because I didn't get a sweatshirt again! So back inside I go. Its about 6:37am and I still need to get Alex in warm jammies and his beanie. So I go to his room grab warm clothes for him, and proceed my normal morning fighting routine with my 1 year old son. On top of that he has a cold, so I have to give him his medicine too! Poor kid was MAD! So I finally get him ready its now 6:52am, I'm running REALLY late! I keep thinking of the stupid empty trash can that is made me run late! So as I'm thinking I better hurry, no more distractions.... them BAM! No time to put my hands down to catch my fall or anything! I fell down the stairs, bundled up toddler and all! I like fell in slow motion where I didn't even bend my legs or anything I just fell straight back, hitting my back, (which has been hurting for a few days anyways) my shoulders, and the back of my head! I didn't even have time to worry about myself! I had now a bundled up hysterical toddler! He was luckily ok since I fell straight back he didn't get hurt at all. And to top it off.... I forgot my breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and when I turned out on the car radio they said it was 39 degrees this morning!


Sam said...

oh wow, are you okay Tania?!

That sucks, I've started just throwing things down the stairs, when I have a lot to take down with us... since falling down them seems to happen the most when my hands are full.

Sorry you've had such a rough morning!!! That definatley sounds like a terrible horrible no good very bad start to your day!

Natalee said...

Okay its officially the WORST day for everyone! LOL!!

Sam that was cute! I remember reading that book when I was a kid!

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness!!! That is quite the story!! Are you ok? I'm surprised you didn't cut anything open falling like that. Ouch! And despite was Sam says, I think 39 degrees is REALLY cold! Sounds like a really bad start to the day!!! On the other hand, it does make a great blog post :)

And funny Sam, that book was the first thing I thought of when I read this blog!

Sue said...

YIKES . . . what a start to your day! =o|

I hope things improved RAPIDLY after this horrible beginning . . . and I am glad that your mommy instincts saved Alex . . . but OUCH!!! (How is your back feeling NOW, btw?)

Did something WONDERFUL happen later today to make up for this? (Hope, hope!!!)


(Those were VERY gentle hugs cuz your back is ouchie) ;o)

Tania said...

Hmmm well I didn't fall down again or anything, so that was a good thing LOL My back is even worse today!! I'm leaving work early to get my back looked at. It was 36 degrees when I left this morning!!!!!!