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Friday, July 10, 2009

DVT and Glucose Test

So I do not have DVT! (o: I do have a vein that is not "right" lol so that is what is causing my leg to swell after I walk a lot or stand for long periods of time. It's close to my knee which is why I have knee pain all the time too! The joys! (o: But at least I don't need any meds or anything like that besides the occasional tylenol. I was also told to rest as much as possible and elevate my leg when I sit. So I will be getting a chair of some sort for work for the school year. And I already have a step stool under my desk that I can use to elevate my leg when I sit down. So its not too bad (o:

I also got a call from my doctor today, as expected I failed my one hour glucose test! Ugh I failed it with Alex too,so I wasn't surprised that I failed it. I am also not worried about it since I passed the 3 hour one with Alex. So I go back on Friday at 8am, and get to hang out until 11am getting my blood drawn every hour! I can't eat after midnight and wont be able to eat until after the last blood draw! Sounds like tourture for a pregnant person if you ask me haha Anyway thats the big fun news for my health today!


Sue said...

Oh I am SO thankful that you don't have DVT . . . Michelle's experience with it sounded like a nightmare, and Matt's has been really worrisome, too . . . Your guidelines and restrictions sound pretty 'doable' so YAY . . . no icky shots every day!!!!! =o)

Tania said...

As weird as it may be, I find sitting around with my leg elevated HARD! lol Especially with Alex! he wants to play and I am not a sit around do nothing kind of gal. So we'll see how this goes lol

Michelle said...

Yay for no DVT!!! So can you wear compression stockings instead of having your leg elevated all of the time? I would think they would help with vein issues.

But bummer about faling your glucose test...good luck with the long one!