Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I've been slacking on my blog... Again! I need to hurry and post this, because of the excessive heat our internet is
Having issues! Oh the joys of living in Arizona! Oh well!

Anyways, we've had a busy summer so far! We took care of our nephew Mark for two weeks. That was an adjustment for us.
Going from one kid to two the same age was an experience. All in all we had fun times, hard times, tantrums, giggles and tons
Of hugs. Alex and Mark had a lot of fun killing swiper the sneaky fox, and looking for bad guys. Playing and talking all day long.

We had Grammy and Grampa and Uncle Travis come and visit and spend time with us. We always have fun and love spending
Time with family. (o:

This week we had Aunt Sam and her kiddos come visit too. We haven't seen them since Matt and Sara's wedding
Last June! The kids are so big now! Alex loved talking to Ashleigh and playing with Dean. He also had "Special Time"
With Aunt Sam! (I took pictures, but blogger won't let me post them!)

I also worked summer school! It was for 6 weeks, 4 hours a day. That was exhausting! I seriously don't know how I'm going to
Teach for 6 weeks full time before Gabriel is born! I'm worried about having the energy for 25 ten to eleven year olds! Ack!

Well that's it for now since I can't post pictures!


Michelle said...

I wish I could see pictures! Sounds like a fun, but busy summer! Ugh, the thought of taking care of a kid, working, AND being pregnant IN super hot weather is not very tempting to me. Luckily I don't have to worry about that right now :) And, I know a LITTLE bit what you mean about adjusting to two kids the same age...just from the three days that I took care of my friend's little girl who is Nathan's age. Hopefully it won't be as much of an adjustment to take care of Alex and Gabe at different ages!

Thanks for the update!

Sue said...

Glad to hear from you . . . Our internet is really having issues with the heat this summer, too . . . It is very annoying . . .

That sounds like a BUSY and FULL but very FUN summer . . . You guys were SO awesome to take little M for all that time and love him (and POTTY TRAIN him . . . WOW!!!) and keep him safe.

I hope all goes well for you these final few weeks . . . It WILL be hard to work full time right up until the baby is due, you will be in my prayers.

Oh . . . is it okay for me to RSVP for the baby shower here? (Um . . .please tell me it wasn't a surprise shower) =o/ I for sure will be there . . . and there is a possibility Sam will be there, too . . . we wont know for sure with her for awhile yet. So . . . did I just RSVP . . . or do I still need to call your mom or sister?


Tania said...

Yeah Michelle, it will be a challenge.
But it will be ok (o: I'm sure that Alex will have an easier time adjusting to the baby than another kiddo his own age.

Yes, Sue I'll let Jenniffer know that you are planning to come to my babyshower. It wasn't a surprise so you didn't ruin anything! (o: