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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I had to take the 3 hour glucose test because I failed the 1 hour test. )o: I went on Friday morning and had my blood drawn 4 times! Twice from each arm! I looked like a druggie! LOL But thankfully I passed my 3 hour test! The SAME thing happened with Alex! I failed the one hour test and passed the 3 hour test!

I also have lost 32 pounds! WOW!!!!!!!!! I seriously don't understand HOW that keeps happening! I mean I don't LOOK like I've lost any weight, I don't really feel the difference. Other than the belly My clothes seem to fit a little looser, but no big drastic changes either! So my doctor told me that I need to drink Ensure Drinks 3 times a day to up my calorie intake. And if that doesn't help I'll have to take meds to regulate my weight loss. (Personally I dont see a problem with it LOL But apparently its not goo to loose that much weight while pregnant! Who knew?! LOL) Anyway I have a doctors appointment on August 5th so we'll see if these alleged Ensure drinks help out lol

I also have a vein in my leg that "swells" up causing my leg to swell and tingle. So I had another ultrasound on it to make sure it was still ok, and not DVT. Which it still looks the SAME. So no issues there. I may have to wear compression stockings if I am going to walk a lot or stand for long periods of time. But living in AZ where its like 104 at 8:30pm! I dont think I want to do that! LOL

Hmmm that's pretty much all the new news I have about my pregnancy!

Oh yeah I have 11 weeks left!! This pregnancy is flying by!!!!!!!!

Gabriel's heartbeat was between 145-150, which it has been the entire time. So he is growing nicely! My measurements were perfect for my due date too! I cant wait to meet this new little guy! I'm so excited!!! Of all the people's reaction towards Gabe's birth I'm the most excited about Alex's! I can't wait for them to meet each other! (o:


Michelle said...

I can't wait to hear what Alex says when he meets Gabriel! lol! Ok, you have LOST 32 pounds?!? I GAINED more than that my pregnancy. That is just crazy!!! But hey, I guess that means you won't have problems getting to your "pre-pregnancy weight" lol! Are you in the last trimester now!? Wow, getting close!! :)

Sue said...

WOW . . . 32 pounds is A LOT . . . Kind of a shame you don't get to 'enjoy' it with a baby bump . . . ;o) But you look really good, Tania . . . you don't look drawn or haggard at all. (That is a GOOD thing.) I know they worry when you lose a lot of weight during pregnancy, but if you are eating and eating healthy, (and drinking the ensure -- how is that, by the way? It strikes me as nasty, but maybe it will be okay) should give you enough to grow a healthy baby without sacrificing your own health to do so.

Congrats on passing the icky three hour, four shot test. (UGH . . . I hate hate hate having blood drawn . . . UGH) . . . MAN . . . the things we women endure for our babies, huh?

Glad you got good news! (and eleven weeks is SOOOO stinkin' CLOSE . . . WOW!!! This new little guy will be here before you know it!!! And we are ALL excited about getting to meet Gabe so soon!!!!) =o)