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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Adventures of a 2 year old

I have been spending day and night with my overly active 2 year old the past few weeks, and let me tell you! We've had our share of adventures!

One day I was working on the yearbook in my dinning area, and noticed that Alex had something in his mouth. He was chomping away at something! I was like "What the heck did this kid find! Nasty!" so I asked him, "What do you have in your mouth?" and he told me "Blue cookie! Yum!" I was like "Gross where did he stash that cookie!! EWW!" And since he had already eaten it, I went about my business. Then like 5 seconds later I heard him chomping away again! So I kept my eye on him, and then I saw him go to the entertainment center, and pull out a little purple bowl and take a cookie out and shove it back in really fast! LOL I was like "What the heck!?! He has a snack stash?!?" LOL So when he went down for a badly needed nap, I took it out and saw crackers, and cookies, and chips and all sorts of snacks in it LOL They were stale I'm sure, so I threw his stash away! He hasnt noticed, and or said anything about the missing snacks yet! So maybe he hasn't needed a snack yet LOL Oh well!

A few days later I couldnt find my shoes! Like ANY of my shoes! I was like "What the hell happened to my shoes?!?" I was about to call David when I saw them thrown down the balcony on the stairs! UGH!!!

I had to keep replacing the toilet paper upstairs and didn't know why! I thought "Man, David has some bathroom issues this week!" LOL Then one day I heard giggiling from the bathroom, and there was my sweet boy flushing the toilet and watching the toilet paper unroll itself as the water went down! UGH! LOL Figures!

Yesterday I went to grab some chicken out of our freezer in the garage while I was talking on the phone with David, and I slammed into the door! I was like "Oh crap I locked the door!" then I hear Giggle giggle giggle "Mama?!" LOL Little jerk locked me out in the garage! He thought it was pretty HILARIOUS until he realized he was ALONE in the house! LOL So then he started to freak out! I thought I was going to have to try out our new doggie door and climb back into the house! LOL He finally was able to unlock the door and let me back in. David was rushing home because he heard Alex crying and me trying to get into the house! LOL Man the garage is a hot place to hang out in for 15 minutes LOL should have stood outside the freezer with the door open!

Later on yesterday that little menace decided he was going to hang out in the front yard throwing rocks at the bushes. Only thing is that I was washing dishes and he escaped LOL he unlocked the door and went outside. I thought he was playing in the front living room. He was being too quiet so I went to check on him, lol Then the front door was wide open and he was throwing rocks LOL So David put the child sensors back on the door. lol They let you know what door is opened so we could hear when he decides its time to play outside! LOL

Today he kept opening the door and telling me "Bye Mama!" LOL Little nerd!

So I've decided to put him on ebay! (o:

Who wouldn't want this cute boy? LOL


Jenniffer A. Lopez said...

my papas!! how funny and clever is he!!!

Michelle said...

Oh my gosh, these stories cracked me up!! Little boys are so mischevious and yet so amusing and adorable!

My favorite is when he locked you out of the house and then realized he was all alone and started freaking out! Poor little guy! haha

Sam said...

lol... I know I already heard about almost all of these stories - but they still crack me up. Ah, the things you get to experience hanging out with little monkeys all day - I'd TOTALLY bid on him, but we're kinda broke at the moment, bummer...

Sue said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life certainly IS an adventure with kids . . . Godzilla locked ME out in the garage the other day, (I was just taking the kitchen trash out to the outside trash cans) and I had to finally go around and come in the front door (luckily someone had already left for the day so it was unlocked, because all the other adults were asleep and the cute little guy couldn't figure out how to UNLOCK the door he so nimbly LOCKED (at least he CLAIMED to be trying) . . .

It was NOT fun (though even *I* can see the humor in it . . . now that I am no longer locked in the hot garage) . . .

I would totally bid on your little guy on Ebay . . . but I happen to know that as much as he loves me, it is MAMA (or DADDY) that he wants when he is upset or first wakes up . . . ;o)

Natalee said...

LOL! I love this! He is quite the little thinkner isn't he.

Glad to know ALL Mom's experience mayem from these Kids, not just ME!

I'm glad that you guys were all okay after being locked out from eachother.

That reminded me of Sam and her Kids being locked IN together! Remember that?