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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Delays, Heat, Weddings, Mean kids, Home sweet Home

This will be a post full of pictures and our entire California trip.

We started off on a good foot. We left out house at 6:30pm for our 8:30pm flight. We checked in and sat and waited, and since I'm nosey (ok ok better, I used my "teacher ears" lol) I over heard someone on their cell phone complaining that their flight was delayed 2 hours! So I told David I was going to go and check on our flight at like 7:45pm. Yup it was OUR flight that man was complaing about being delayed!! UGH! So I went and bought us books, and magazines, and Alex colored. Well coloring only lasted so long lol David decided he was going to tire Alex out by letting him run around the air port lol Yeah that didnt work. He just kept going and going. Crazy boy! So finally 10:50pm comes around and we are getting ready to board. We do and Alex and David are having fun (o:

We get to David's parents house and off to bed with Alex and I! We were tired LOL David went for a late dinner with Travis and Dustin.

The next morning we saw Sam and her kids for a few minutes before they left to pick up Brigham. We then went to pick up David and Dustin's tuxes and go to lunch. We had Matt and Sara's rehearsal and dinner to go to later that night.

We leave for the rehearsal later than we has originally said. And we 30 minutes late. But not everyone was there yet. So no big deal! (o:

We went to this Italian Restaurant, which even though the food was good, the place was definitely NOT kid friendly. Way crowded. But Alex behaved himself anyways. I had coloring books, and cars for him to play with. (o: It was nice to sit and talk with family.

The next day was Saturday. David's dad's friend had passed away, so they had his funeral to go to that morning. So I volunteered to watch Sam's kids so they could go and not worry about kids being bored or whatever. Did not go as easily as planned. The kids did not get along, and were being mean to Alex. Drove me CRAZY! Sam's son who is 2 (he's like 6 weeks older than Alex) threw a car at Alex and hit him in the mouth and nose, so Alex has a little bump on his lip, and a bruise on his nose. So that's when they went upstairs to take a nap. Mainly I needed a break before I ended up yelling at her kids. I hate being mean to other peoples kids. So I left it at that. I gave Alex a bath and let the kids come back downstairs to play. Ugh did not go well either. Still kept being mean to Alex. David and I had spent the week telling Alex not to hit people, and to be nice. So when some kid would hit Alex, he would just cry and come find either me or David. He wouldnt hit them because he's a good listener and remembered we told him not to hit. By Sunday night David was telling him to hit whoever looked at him funny. lol Still my sweet little boy wouldn't hit anyone )o: So he kept being bullied. Poor kid. Needless to say, he is happy to be home lol

Then later on we had Matt and Sara's wedding! It was so nice, and Sara looked so beautiful! Matt looked great too. The guys all clean up nicely! (o: It was really hot outside though! It was fun though. Alex had a great time, he was dancing and dancing and dancing all night long! My cute boy! I took Mark and Alex outside so they could play, and were being good playing and chasing each other lol Well here are some pictures!

Thats it! That sums up our trip!


Sam said...

I still am so annoyed that my kids were being MEAN... I hate it when anyone is mean to kids (even other little kids doing it). Ugh. You SHOULD have yelled at them, little snots... or told me sooner so that I COULD (okay, I probably wouldn't YELL, but they definatley got a LONG talking-to when I found out about all of the stuff they were doing)... *sigh*

Sorry, apparently MY kids were the ones that needed weeks of 'prep' for being nice?! I never would have expected that, especially from Godzilla =o(

Tania said...

I figured since Alex is so "territorial" with his things here, he needed a reminder all week not to be mean or to hit others, since I thought he'd be the one hitting and being a menance to Godzilla lol It's always the quiet ones you have to watch lol

Michelle said...

Oh man...blogger hates me! I tried to post yesterday, but it didn't work! I loved the pictures and the stories! Sounds like a great trip except for the mean kids :( Shpam's kiddos always did a good job of pretending to be angelic around me...maybe it is because I am having a new baby and that way I will think kids are ALWAYS well behaved! :) That's so cute that Alex wouldn't hit anyone though...poor little guy!

Oh and there is a shocking lack of pictures of Sami on this post! haha But I love the pics of everyone else (including you...good job!) haha

Natalee said...

Alex got along JUST FINE with ME! LOL! I love that he doesn't mind me, he is a fun kid to play with.

I think Konner made him cry twice, but he never touched him. I think Alex was just kinda DONE with Kids by the time we got there on Sunday. Although they did all play really well on the piano!

David and I always have such a good time with you guys Tania! We really need to try and hang out more. Maybe we can plan a camping trip, or just be sure to do something with you guys in July when you come down again!

Hopefully the air is fixed by then!

Tania said...

Natalee, you guys should come down on July 11th! We're going camping then! (o: It would be so fun!

Natalee said...

I'll let David know and see what he says! Where are you going camping? We went a few times in Arizona, always PRETTY!

Sue said...


I am SOOOOOOOO sorry . . . sorry about the delayed flight (not my fault) . . . sorry about the broken A/C (not my FAULT, but MY house, so I FEEL responsible . . .that was SUCH a nasty hot weekend . . . sigh . . . ) . . . sorry that kids were mean to your little guy . . . I hope this doesn't stop you from ever coming for another visit . . . that was a GRUELING, EXHAUSTING, ROLLERCOASTER of emotions weekend . . . I was a zombie by Sunday afternoon . . . hopefully NEXT time (and I DO hope there is still LOTS of 'next times') I will be less out of it, and can help monitor what is going on better . . .

Tell Alex that Gramma LOVES him, ok? (For the record, *I* was not mean to him at ALL . . . lol . . . hardly surprising, huh?) ;o)