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Thursday, May 7, 2009

17 weeks

So I've been told that I suck at taking and posting "Belly Pictures" So here is my 17 week picture. One of my kids told me "Mrs. Hendrickson your baby is showing A LOT today!" LOL Thanks pal! Anyway this isn't the best picture of ME but at least you can see my HUGE round belly! I swear this is how big I was when I HAD Alex! Yikes! I still have 4 1/2 months to go! Hopefully this baby isn't like 80 ponds or something! I've lost 9 1/2 lbs so far. I go to the drs on Monday and my "BIG" Ultrasound to check the baby's anatomy and gender is on May 19th. So we'll see if we're having a girl or a boy! (o; Anyway enjoy! This may be the last belly picture you'll get for a while LOL

According to Kim, I'm creepy because I squat down, and sit on the floor. She says pregnant people arent supposed to do that! LOL When you have a 3 year and need to get to their level, or need to find something at Target on the lowest shelf what are you supposed to do?!? LOL Apparently I'mnot supposed to carry a 3 year old down stairs either?! Who knew! LOL

I feel fine body wise. I was getting some stretching pains yesterday, but none today. The baby has been moving around for a few weeks. Some days s/he moves more than others. Mainly after I eat or am ready to go to sleep. Or if my class is being super loud! The kids always yell at each other "Be quiet! We are upsetting Mrs. Hendrickson's baby!"

Alex likes to "Poke poke poke the bebe!" lol He thinks it's HILARIOUS! We'll see how he is after the baby is born! And when we start getting the nursery together! I already have ideas on how to get the nursery done.

If its a boy we'll paint it in greens. Dark green on the oposite walls and lighter green on the others remaining walls. I also want to put bugs on the walls. Like we have cars and trucks for Alex where family and friends painted them for him, I want to do the same but with like bugs and frogs. If it's a girl we'll do purples (I wanted to do pinks and browns, but David is dead set again PINK!). He is lucky I like Purples! We'll do butterflys and flowers if it's a girl and have them painted by family members too! That way everyone can be part of their rooms! (Ack! Which reminds me, I need to send Jenn, Sam and Natalee some cars to paint for Alex's room from Mark, Dean and Konner). My mom is going to make us a cover for Alex's rocking chair so that it will match the nursery. I'm excited to know what the baby is! (o:


Kimberly said...

Why do you have to call me out in your blog friend!!! lol preggo's are not supposed to squat as you do! It just isn't right man! lol and have you met your 3 year old? He should carry you around! What did he tell you...he is a big boy mama!

About everything else..I am excited for you guys to find out too! Bebe better cooperate! I needs to do some shoppin! Girl or boy it's all fun...especially the PINK PRINCESS STUFF!!! That was for david! For his birthday I am buying him a princess bag! lol hilarious!

Michelle said...

I LOVE the belly pic! You are SO super cute! And reading this post almost made we want to be pregnant again because it reminded me of all the anticipation for the baby and getting the nursery ready and stuff! Awwww, so fun! I can't wait to find out what you are having! And I love your ideas for the decor! Great colors! Even without pink! LOL

Oh and I love the part about your kids saying, "Be quiet! You are upsetting the baby!" lol

Sue said...

Awwwww . . . such a CUTE little baby belly, Tania . . . I think you look adorable!!!

So David nixed the pink and brown combination for the baby, if it is a girl, huh? I have been looking and looking for fabric to make a blanket in those colors and never find anything cute enough . . . so I guess now I don't have to . . .

I like your ideas for the nursery . . . the greens with frogs and bugs is SUCH a cute idea . . . and so is purple with butterflies . . .

I can hardly wait to hear what you find out . . . =o)

Kimberly said...

Post the new picture!!!!!