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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Almost 19 weeks

This picture makes my belly look weird haha but here is my almost 19 week belly shot. I wasn't going to post it, but I am being HARASSED! haha

I feel the baby move so much now! I love it! (o: My Monday dr appointment was rescheduled for Friday. So I'm not sure if my ultrasound appointment well still be next week or if I have to wait until the following week now. We'll see tomorrow!!! Anyway people at work keep telling me the baby will be a girl. So we'll see when I get my ultra sound! (o: I'm excited to find out. I'm on this message board for people due in October, and a lot of them are finding out what they are having! So jealous! Hopefully this baby is more cooperative than Alex was! (o: Anyway enjoy!


Kimberly said...

Ok now post one of you pregnant with alex...let's compare and contrast lol you have a belly book! keep on with the belly shots (0: And my little friend better cooperate..I already told you I would threaten him or her...I did it to alex I shall do it again!

Sue said...

That is NOT a 'weird' belly . . . it is an ADORABLY CUTE belly . . . I am SO excited about finding out if the baby is a he or a she . . . I hope, hope, hope the little critter cooperates!!!!! =o)