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Friday, September 26, 2008


So I tried to view my blog, and it told me that I needed to enter my log in name, and password. So I did, and it told me that I needed an invitation from the blog owner to view the blog! LOL What the heck?!? So I had to sign in from the blogger homepage lol I thought that was hilarious!!!

Ok for those of you that just HAVE to know what disgusting thing I saw on my way to work yesterday! Ugh Don't say I didn't warn you it is DISGUSTING and I was quite frankly shocked and appalled and I had to tell my big mouth best friend Kim who had to talk about and peek everyones interest! I really didn't want to share this ON my blog lol but it's kinda random to email them this story LOL So here goes... Warning its kinda X rated, so if you don't want to hear about it, Stop reading NOW!!!!!!! Remember You've been warned! LOL LOL

As with everyday, I have to sit in traffic to get to work. And it gets boring, so I talk on the phone, or just listen to the radio very loudly and sing to myself. Also being a nosey person that I am. I like to look at what other drivers are doing to pass time. Most of them are doing the same thing I do. They are on their phones, or singing, or talking to their passengers. But on this horrid morning I was doing my same old thing, and started to look around and I noticed this car stopped right next to me, and I didn't think anything of it. Then I looked again and saw the most disgusting thing in the world!!!! I just couldn't believe my eyes!!!!!!!! It was like a horrible train wreck!!!! I was shocked and appalled and had to keep like 2 car lengths away from that car so I wouldn't see it again!!!!!! UGH! Some horribly obese guy was driving his truck, and his female passenger was... ugh how do I say this nicely? LOL Oh there is no nice way to say it, he was getting a "Blow Job" Right smack in the middle of morning traffic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How appalling and disgusting is that?!?!? I told my friend Kim (well both of my friends Kim lol One who blabbed her mouth about it, and the other one is a 7th grade teacher lol) And (the seventh grade teacher) said that he probably got bored, and picked up some random prostitute and just wanted to pass the time! LOL Ugh! If you are going to do stuff like that come on! Have a little decency and do it in the private of your home, or some sleazy motel! Not in your car where school buses drive by and innocent little children could see that! Or Innocent nosey bystanders lol who will now have to scrub their eyes and minds to get that DISTURBING mental image out of my head!!!!!

Sorry! At least all you had to do was read about it! I SAW it!!! Consider yourself lucky!!!!


Kimberly said...

HA HA HA HA!!! it cracks me up! your story on here is even better than what i got in the text message...sorry to peak everyone's interest was a funny story! to happen to you of all people! lol

Tania said...

LOL I know!!!!!!!! I am so shocked!!

Natalee said...


Oh Tania, I am crying right now because I am laughing so hard!

Morbidly OBESE! LOL! Thanks for ruining my makeup for the day! LOL!

I can't believe you actually saw that! LOL! I am SOOO glad that I asked. This just MADE me day! LOL!

Tania said...

lol Natalee! I'm glad my traumatic experience made your day lol

Sue said...

YIKES . . . People simply have no sense of decency or MODESTY anymore . . . since when did sexual acrobatics become a spectator sport?!?

LOL . . . that'll teach you to keep your eyes on the road, Tania! ;o)

Tania said...

LOL Yeah seriously Sue! LOL I saw a truck that looked like that beasts truck, and I was scared to glace over to check LOL That will make me a safer driver yet!

Michelle said...

I just realized that now that your blog is private, it doesn't show up on my igoogle page, so I didn't realize you had updated! Ok, OH MY GOSH!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAW THAT?! And I always thought people texting while they drive is dangerous...ummm wow...all I can say is wow. How can he honestly be driving safely while doing THAT?! ACK!!!!! I am SO keeping my eyes on the road now. Just in case...haha