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Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 2001

I am teaching about the Attack on September 11, 2001 to my kids today. When this happened they were about 2 years old. I made a power point presentation about it with pictures, and videos. It's so weird that even though I didn't personally know anyone who died in the attack, I still feel sad and the pictures give me goosebumps. This morning the entire school had a moment of silence to honor those who died, and survived that horrible day! I hope everyone else is able to take a minute of their life today and do the same.

(I know this has nothing to do with 9/11, but 9/10/00 marked David and my 8th year anniversary of our first date! (o:)


Sam said...

I was thinking about that too (on the 11th), how it was SEVEN YEARS AGO? That seems so long - I remember hearing about the first 'plane crash' and then as they realized that it wasn't an accident, and another plane hit the second tower... and just everything about that morning, where I was when I heard, all of those little details. Strange to think it was seven years ago...

Natalee said...

Seven years ago DOES sound like it was forever ago, but it feels like it was not THAT long ago.

I was in 11th grade. My Mom sent us to school still. I told her it was UNSAFE for us to go anywhere. She just laguhed and said if they get us too then it must be our time. LOL! What a punk Mom!

I LOVE the pictures you chose Tania. The eagle one is just so intense!

Michelle said...

I agree with all of you. I was thinking about it on 9/11 and it's just hard to believe it has been that long! It's really weird to think that your students don't even remember it, Tania. Makes me feel old. I was a freshman in college. I actually had a date that night with a boy I REALLY liked, but I cancelled it because I was too shaken up about the events of the day. Too bad to because we never ended up dating. lol :)

Tania said...

It could be a good thing Michelle! Then maybe you and he would gotten married, and you wouldn't have married Jeff or had little cutie Nathan!!

Sue said...

Such a sobering, tragic day . . . I think that may always be one of those "I still remember where I was when I heard about the WTC" . . . Seven years, huh? That simply doesn't seem possible . . . I am so glad to hear that you are teaching your children about it, Tania . . .