Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Alex's Costume

Alex is going to be Superman for Halloween. He isn't very good at dressing up. He doesn't like "different" clothes. He freaks out if you want him to wear a beanie or a sweatshirt lol So this was a challenge trying to get him dressed in his costume.

My lovin' Sis and I went out to find the best costume ever. We decided to bring him with us so he could have an input on his costume. Everything we showed him he said "I don't like that!" or "I don't want that" UGH LOL So we found thsi ADORABLE scarecrow one. I loved it! It was so cute and little kid like that he HAD to be a scarecrow! LOL But it was too small! )o: So we settled on a Pirate one that was cute too. He HATED everything about the pirate costume! He didn't want to wear any of it LOL So back to the store that one went. We found the Superman one, and it's a one piece suit, so we thought iut would be easier to put him in that than a few different pieces LOL. Well anyway he is a super cute Superman LOL

I went and made his Halloween Cards today. So check your mail boxes they should be there sometime next week! (o:

David being a HUGE Smallville Fan decided it would be cool to have Alex be infront of the buildings so he photoshopped it LOL


David A. Hendrickson said...

It's not just "buildings" in the background. It's Metropolis' Skyline. (you can see the Daily Planet, where Clark Kent works in the middle).

Of course... no-one would notice or care if it wasn't the actual Metropolis Skyline. :D

Tania said...

I couldn't remember what it was called! LOL Sorry sir!

Matt said...

hahaha... I noticed that it was the Metropolis skyline, Dave!

Sue said...

The scarecrow would have been ADORABLE . . . but he sure does make an awesome Superman, too!!! =o)

I hope you have our address already . . . ;o)