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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So, we didn't have Alex's dentist appointment after all! I called to confirm that I had the right office, and they told me that they were having trouble verifying benefit coverage for him, and would call me back and let me know if his appointment was still going to be today! So its 2:15, his appointment is at 3pm, and I haven't heard anything. So I call them, and they tell me that they still cant get the info. and have requested it by mail, and should have it by Monday. But if I call and complain to them that it's an emergency for Alex to be seen, and yell at them, they will fax the info to their office! I was not going to lie to random strangers at the insurance office! It made me mad because I made the appointment 4 weeks ago! They had 20 business days to get the insurance information and they waited for the day of the appointment to try and get it! Lame! So I cancelled that appointment and looked around for another one. I found one, but they are booked until January! So now he has an appointment on January 13th, 2009! Oh well!


Kimberly said...

That sucks friend! After all that brain work to remember where and who you called in the first place they go and throw off your groove with insurace crap! I would go punch them right in the keyster! lol bam pow right in the keyster!
(don't know how to spell keyster)

Sam said...

that is so lame, I can't believe they wanted you to make up this stuff to complain to the insurance company when it was THEIR mistake. Lame.

p.s. - I love your new blog layout, it looks great...

Sue said...

UGH . . . what a frustrating run around . . . They should have been verifying the insurance during that month lead up to the appointment . . . Did they try to tell you that you could still go in, you would just need to pay cash and then YOU wait to get reimbursed for the expense?

I hope this wasn't a dental emergency . . . That would REALLY suck . . .

Did you get my letter yet, Tania?

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness!!! What the?! That is just retarded. That's all I can say! Stupid!