Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 24, 2009

Baby Shower

I had my baby shower this weekend! It was a lot of fun! My parents, and sister Jenniffer threw it for me! I must say they did a GREAT job! (o: They were a little stressed out, since my parents were getting their floor tiled, and they were promised out would be done by Friday afternoon, and it's STILL not done! The baby shower was supposed to be inside the house since its the end of August and HOT in AZ! But due to the tile not being done it had to be outside in the backyard. It also rained A LOT the night before, and it was threatening to rain in the morning too, so they didn't know what to expect! But since it rained, it wasn't TOO hit, just humid! But no one seemed to be THAT bothered by the heat or humidity. Especially NOT the kids! Crazy kids running around like it was 70 degrees outside! haha Anyway it was fun, and we got a lot of baby stuff! I need to get a dresser soon and start organizing Gabriel's clothes! I can't belive we'll have a new baby is about 6ish weeks! WOW! Time flies when you're having fun! (o: Anyway enjoy the pictures! (The one above is Jenniffer, me and my Mom)

David and Sue

Francine and Alex

Aracely and Me

Mario and Me (He won the "How big is
Mommy Game" Yes guys were invited
and played games too! lol)

Me and Sierra

Me and Sam

Alex was playing the baby food game lol
He was excited because he told my Mom
"Nana that's applesauce!" and he was right!

Here he is tasting something else lol

Aracely cheating and tasting the
food too! LOL

Me and Kim

Me and Francine

Me and Brenda (She hates this picture lol)

Random gift opening shot.

Jenniffer got me this huge diaper bag FULL of
baby stuff! (o: Thanks SIS!

These were just some cute litle itty bitty

My fabulous cake! YUM!

Alex and Auntie Kim

Mama and Alex

Alex doing what he does best... stick his fingers
in cakes!

Jenniffer, Me, Francine, and Kim

Jenniffer and Francine

Jenniffer and Kim

1 comment:

Sue said...

The baby shower WAS fun . . . It really worked out well (for an Arizona August) temperature wise . . . I mean it was really WARM but not uncomfortably so outside . . . and since it was in the late afternoon and evening, it was really surprisingly mild . . . So the tile thing wasn't as big a problem as they probably worried . . . but I am sure they were frustrated, because it would have been so fun to have the party to show off their gorgeous new tilework (and it IS gorgeous!!) I can hardly wait to see the fireplace when it gets finished . . . the way your dad described how it was going to be sounded really stunning . . .

Glad you had fun . . . it was a really nice shower, and you got so many wonderful gifts. It was fun to see how very loved you and the new little baby are (by more than just US)

I am so glad we could be there to join in the fun . . . (and seriously, that cake may have been the BEST cake I have ever eaten . . . YUM!!!)

Six weeks is SOOOOoooOOOOOO close!!!!! I can hardly wait to hold your little guy!!! =o)