Alexander Kai

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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back to School

Last night we had out back to school night where parents can come in and meet their kids teachers. It was a SUPER long day! We got to work at 8:30am, and didn't leave until 8:45pm! Sure I could have left at 8pm, but Mr. Todd (Principla) decided to come and talk to me about my maternity leave and the fact that his daughter is in my class this year. I told him that he might want to consider putting her in the other 4th grade class since I'll be gone for 8 weeks come October. He said he knew that I was leaving, but he hadnt really thought about it. He told me he was happy his daughter was in my class, but he understood why I would want her in a different class. I would want Alex to have a steady teacher all year. So he is going to talk to her and let me know what they decided. (Haha on a side note, it would be kinda less pressure on ME if she was in a different class lol)

Anyway we had a lot of parents come and meet with me. I'm excited about going back to work. I think I would be even MORE excited if it wasnt uncomfortable to stand up for long periods of times because of my leg, but then again not be uncomfortable to stand up after sitting for long periods of time either lol No win for me! Oh well! I have 6 or 7 weeks with my kiddos before I start maternity leave! I'm kinda nervous about leaving them to a sub for 8 weeks! I will be involved in the hiring process of the new sub so that will be reasuring. Kinda sucks to be hired for 8 weeks too! Oh well! LOL I want my job back after 8 weeks! LOL We'll see, and hopefully this doesnt disrupt them too much! Oh well nothing I can do about it now! LOL

Anyway I start back on Monday, back to waking up early and rushing home to get dinners done, and laundry done and have Alex be mad at me for waking him up early! lol Back to our normal routine for 7 weeks and then we'll have a new baby and a new routine to get into for 8 weeks before I go back to work and then I'll wake and anger TWO kiddos! Sheesh! lol

My babyshower is next weekend. I'm excited to see my friends and family! And eat CAKE! lol YUM! Hopefully I start to feel more ready to have Gabriel. Right now we havent done ANYTHING! Oppps! Well I did sort through all of Alex's baby clothes. so that is all ready! We also took our hospital tour! (Which by the way our hospital is soooooooo much nicer than Parkview! All rooms are private, and there is a bed for David too!)

Well thats about it for now!

Oh yeah we scheduled a 3D / 4D ultrasound for next Saturday so that friends and family can come and see Gabriel if they want to! We're excited!

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