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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Toy Closet Contained!

A few weeks ago I decided that the toy closet was a MONSTROSITY that needed to be DEALT with ASAP! I swear someone could have been killed in there! I almost died! lol Alex gets so many toys from friends, and family that seriously when he gets a lot of toys out it looks like Toys R Us came and threw up in our house! It's seriously THAT bad! While we had Mark over they would try and climb in there to get a certain toy and I'd heard a crash and some kid crying lol So enough was enough! I stepped into action! I thought this would be about an hour or 2 at the most! HA! 10 hours later lol David had to work that morning, so my parents came over to help me. I went to Target to get some shelving for the closet. I had NO clue what I should get. I wanted something that was easy for Alex to see what was inside the bins. So anyways here's the process of the cleaning.

I told Alex that we needed to make a toy pile for little boys that don't have any toys. At first he was excited to help with that part, and was putting all sorts of toys in the bag. Until he realized that we were giving them AWAY! Then that piled started to dwindle down to like 3 toys lol So I had to secretly put stuff in the pile without him noticing. We donated the toys to Phoenix Children's Hospital, and threw away a bunch of broken toys that were missing parts or were NASTY! lol We also went through and separated a bunch of 0-12month toys for Gabriel. He wont need any toys either lol

This was taken a few months ago.
Alex wanted a certain toy car and
couldn't find it because of the monstrosity of the
closet! So Mama to the rescue! LOL Yeah right I
got stuck and had to give up! Too many toys!

Here is how the closet looked most
of the time. A MESS! (This closet
goes all the way under our stairs. So its
pretty roomy! When we were
looking at houses we thought that would
be PERFECT for Alex's toys because
that was we could put all the toys in there
and not have to be over run by toys 24/7!)

This is what the hall way in front of the
closet looked like! Piles everywhere!
When David got home from work he was
like "OMG! What happened here!?!" You
seriously couldn't walk in our house!

This is what the shelving looks like. So nice
to be able to sort the toys and look
for what he wants.

This is what it looks like today.

Oh yeah before I forget! I was sitting in the toy closet and as you all know I am super claustrophobic, and I somehow didn't realize I blocked myself in, and then I tried to get up off the floor (Not an easy feat being 7 months pregnant!) and grabbed on to another toy and had an avalanche of toys come tumbling down on me! I was being attacked by the toys!!! I have never been so scared in my life!! My entire life flashed before my very eyes! (It was very boring by the way! haha) David had to come and rescue me lol Stupid toys! lol

Thanks again Mom and Dad for ALL of your help! (o:


Sue said...

WOW . . . I am VERY impressed . . . Alex does have tons of toys . . . but there are worse things than being very loved and doted on . . . Awesome, though, that you donated some to the children's hospital (HAHAHAH that Alex was all for it til he realized it meant he was giving toys AWAY!!!) lol . . . too funny . . .

The closet looks awesome and VERY organized . . . I am super impressed . . . BTW . . . do you rent your parents out by the hour or anything? ;o)

Tania said...

Haha no they only help ME! (o: I doubt I could convince them to help me if I wasnt pregnant though! Hmmm nah I'm sure they still would! They are just THAT awesome! (o: