Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Nothing New

Just a cute picture of my bebe. He looks
so much like David here! (o:

Today is my last day of my summer vacation! Tomorrow it's back to fighting Alex in the morning to get him to my Mom's house. haha He has been waking up at around 9-9:30am! And he plays in his room until like 10am. He reads himself books, and plays with his cars or stuffed animals. He goes to the bathroom in the morning on his own without me having to remind him. So MAYBE he will be ok that early! I have been slacking, and not putting him to bed right at 8:30p every night. But for the most part he has been in bed and asleep by 9pm. So tonight we'll be back on our routine. He told me the other day "Mama, just stay home and play with me all day!" I wish I could. But we cant! Well in around 6-7 weeks I'll on maternity leave so I'll be home full time again. Which will be nice. Well at least for 8 weeks! haha Then work for 2-3 weeks and go on Christmas Break. Not too shabby!

So David wants me to help him clean and organize the garage! Hmm not the funnest way to spend my last day off lol but I guess it's just something we need to get done. The house and laundry are all clean, because I did that yesterday. I kinda like being home and able to keep our house clean! And be caught up on laundry! It's hard when you work full time, and rush home to make dinner. Laundry and vacuuming are the LAST things I want to do lol But I decided I need to be better at doing that! I CAN do laundry during the week, so that I don't have 10 loads to do on Saturdays! So we'll see how long I keep that up! haha

Well I had nothing really to write about, but decided to post something anyways...

Oh yeah, we have about 9 weeks before Baby Gabe is born! Yikes! So much left to do and so little time!!!

My baby shower is in 2 weeks! (o:


Sue said...

WOW . . . nine weeks . . . that is SOOO close . . . This pregnancy went SO fast . . . (hahahah for ME, anyways) . . . we are SOOOOOOOoooOOOOo excited about getting to hold and cuddle and spoil little Gabriel . . . I can hardly wait to officially 'meet' him!!! =o)

Tania said...

Yup 9 weeks is going to FLY by! Especially since I'll be working! This pregnancy HAS been going by so super fast!! (o: