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Thursday, March 13, 2008

For Alex's Cousin

Here are some pictures of Alex sleeping in his BIG boy bed! For Godzilla! (o: He loves being able to get up and wander around after he wakes up. Which usually ends up being him trying to climb on our bed, and poke our eyes, or try to get the remote controls so he could watch "Diego" or "Dora!!!!" which ends up hitting one of us on the head! LOL Not a fun way to be woken up! lol


Sara said...

It's so cute how kids sleep with their arms and legs flung everywhere.

Tania said...

I know! That's actually how David sleeps too LOL

Sam said...

ah, thanks! I'll show Godzilla when 'quiet time' is over - he did better last night, so we'll see if he 'sticks' to his bed any better as he gets more used to it!

Sue said...

That is one SLEEPY little boy . . . he looks SOOOOOOO out!!!! Man, I love that little face . . . he is SO adorable! =o)