Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Short family visitors!

I'm so mad my stupid batteries died in my camera! )o:

Jenn, Travis and baby Mark (not so baby anymore) came for a short visit yesterday! (o: Last time I saw Mark was in December, and he wasn't walking yet. He is so stinkin cute wandering around everywhere!! Alex and he had all sorts of fun running around and playing! Jenn will have to email me some pictures of them playing at the Hard Rock Cafe!

I can't wait until Friday when everyone will be here!! I'm way super excited for Alex's birthday party!!! (o:

(Ugh sorry about the whole electricity shenanigans Jenn and Travis! There is a BUNCH of new construction going on by our house {since we live in a new neighborhood} and someone hit a power line knocking the power out everywhere. They were able to have about 10 watts of light per house around us. The neighborhood was so dark and looked so weird last night! LOL It sucked 10 watts was about enough for 2 lights, a refrigerator, and a TV to run! LOL Anymore than that and the power would completely turn off and we would have to go outside and reset the breakers! Thank goodness its cool enough outside we could open the windows and it was cool inside the house. But it was so super annoying! So sorry guys! Apparently its fixed now, so on Friday we could use all the lights LOL)


Sam said...

YAY for visitors! I want people to come visit ME (hint, hint)... my batteries are dead too, lol, so I hear you there! Glad you guys had fun, even if you didn't have a ton of electricity for it!

Sue said...

Awww . . . I wanna see pictures of Alex and little Mark running around playing . . . I bet they are SO cute together! Glad you guys had fun . . . we can hardly wait til Friday to come out and see you guys ourselves!!! =o)

Michelle said...

How weird about the electricity!! At least there was a little bit coming to your house...even if it wasn't much...I guess as long as you have the TV and fridge, you are set! :) Good thing this didn't happen in the summer when it is SOOO hot there!! Can you imagine!?