Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oh how they change!

Alex newborn picture

Alex 1 month

Alex 1 month

Alex's 1st birthday picture

Alex 2nd birthday

Alex 1 yr

Alex 1 ½ yr

Alex 2 yr

Alex 1st year picture

Alex 2nd year picture

Alex 1½ year

Alex 1 year

I can't believe how much he has changed, yet stayed the same over 2 years!! I miss the baby stage, yet can't imagine going back there! LOL Alex was a super hard high maintenance baby. He is a really fun, and funny independent toddler! I love my big boy!! (I have some 6th month professional pictures of Alex, but they are on David's laptop, and I'm too lazy to walk downstairs to post them LOL)


Sue said...

The pictures are ADORABLE . . . and you are right, he looks very different as he grows up but at the same time, he DOES look VERY much the same . . . same handsome little features, he just looks older! He is SUCH a handsome little boy!!! =o)

Michelle said...

Ohhhhhh he's SO cute!!! Makes me excited for my little boy! Seeing all the pictures like this makes it seem like they grow up REALLY REALLY fast!

Tania said...

Oh my gosh! You'll blink and your baby will be 2!! So crazy! Take TONS of pictures, and as much video as possible! Especially when they do random stuff like dribble a ball and walk when they are 14 months! LOL

Kimberly said...

it seems like it took forever while you were pregnant...9 months was everlasting! the last two years seemed to fly by though...doesn't seem like you have been in arizona that