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Monday, March 10, 2008

So old!

I just realized today that I've been out of high school for 10 years!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe how fast thepast 10 year gave gone by! So much has happened. Its so strange to think that 10 years ago I was a senior! I think I've done pretty good in the past 10 years! Graduated College, Got Married, Had a baby, Made my best friends, Moved, Bought 2 houses. Got cars. (Not in this particular order, just listing as they come to mind). I guess its OK to be getting old! LOL

Nothing like being a teacher to remind you of how old you are LOL

"Mrs. Hendrickson, I was only 3 when 9-11 happened! I don't remember what I was doing"


"Mrs.Hendrickson, I was only 2 when Bill Clinton was president! Why don't people like him" UGH LOL

"What is Back to the Future?!"

"Walkman?? Thats so lame!!!!" LOL Dang!!!!!!!


Kimberly said...

10 god! i have known you for what 9...9 to long i say! lol...did you bust out with a walkman at school or something? that is so old school lol

Michelle said...

Haha!! That's so funny! I love the comment about only being 3 when 9-11 happened! I can't believe it has been THAT long already!!

Sue said...

LOL . . . that IS so weird to think they don't have a feel for what life was like BEFORE 9/11 . . . wow . . .

You are NOT getting 'old' . . . you have a LONG ways to go till "old" . . . that will come soon enough, trust me, but not yet! ;o)