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Saturday, August 23, 2008

The End?

I'm thinking of not blogging anymore. I don't seem to be good at this anymore lol I remember when it was new and fun to blog. Not so much anymore. Maybe I just need to be more interesting? LOL We'll see what happens with this blogging shenanigans. I don't think anyone reads this anymore anyways lol

(Random funny: David is reading to Alex in his room, and I looked down and saw Alex playing with books in here?! lol I swore he was still in the room with David since David is STILL reading out loud? LOL He must love "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" LOL)


Matt said...

Hey there.

Blogging isn't for everyone, but it's like writing in a journal- eventually you have to decide if you want to do it (or not), and if you decide to do it, jsut keep at it, even though you might not say anything earth-shattering or profound.

Sometime I don't have much more to post than a quote I've read recently, or a picture of something funny. But I've kept this up longer than any journal I've ever had (including my mission- which is a mark of shame I'll bear forever. I did write in it over and over again, but I looked at it halfway through my mission and realized that 90% of the entries started with "Sorry, I've been busy and tired and haven't gotten to write," or actually ended because I fell asleep while writing). I keep doing it because this is something I can do on my own, to vent in my own personal place. It always jars me when someone else reads it and/or comments, because I'm just writing my personal musings, and I really don't expect anyone to react to it. Like, at all.

I still read your blog. Between you and Sam, I have plenty to read when I'm stuck bored at work- and I really look forward to those times that I actually get to chat with you while I'm at work.

If you stop blogging, I'll still love you forever- I understand that you're busy and you're trying to cut back activities to keep your sanity.

Love ya, Tania. Give Alex and David love from "Other Uncle."


Michelle said...

I still read your blog!!! Or at least check it constantly in HOPES there is an update! I guess I am still in that SUPER ADDICTED phase and now that I am home taking care of a baby and half the time can only do one-handed tasks, reading blogs is all I got! haha My problem right now is I always have TOO much I want to post about (believe it or not, I refrain from posting EVERYTHING I think of)

And I agree with Matt, I have kept blogging up longer and better than any journal I have ever had, but I guess if you stop blogging that is ok. Although it's the only way I really keep in touch with you...haha

But really, I am STILL waiting to see pictures of your classroom and hear how your orthopedic appt from FOREVER ago went! haha

Tania said...

lol Maybe I'll keep it and just post when something earth shattering happens to me LOL

Sue said...

Oh MAN . . . I would be sad if you stopped blogging . . . and actually, PERSONALLY, I think the non earthshattering stuff is awesome to read. Reading this has made me feel like I know you better . . . and to feel closer to you. I thoroughly enjoy reading blogs . . . I get out of the habit of checking when everybody goes through a slow spell, and it is hard to get back into the habit, but I DO love reading your blogs.

And, terrible mother that I am . . . I didn't even KNOW that Matt had a blog . . . but maybe he doesn't want his mom to read it and comment? I guess I wait for people to invite me and tell me they have a blog, just in case they want it to be more private (at least from ME) . . . =o(

Natalee said...

I was thinking the same thing Tania. But then one day I wasn't feeling that great and both of my kids were asleep. I sat here and read blogs for over and hour. I thougt to myself, maybe my stuff isn't always interesting, but number one, it might give SOMEONE we love something to do, and number two, how fun it will be to look back and read about the random things we posted about!

PS! That made me laugh SOOO hard about David reading to himself!