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Monday, February 18, 2008

Since I was tagged by a pregnant lady, and I dont want to anger her! LOL (Just kidding Michelle)

ReLaTiOnShIp TaG:

What is his name? David (Or schweetie)
How long have you been married? 3 years.
How long did you date? We've been together for almost 9 years, So we dated around 5 years, engaged for 1 year and married for 3.
How old is he? 26
Who eats more? Um. David does LOL
Who said "I love you" first? David did. He wrote me a cheesy little note on a "Refund" Paper at work (o:
Who is taller? Definitely David, He is a foot taller than I am!
Who sings better? David! I'm not a good singer, although if you ask Alex, he will tell you that his Mama is his favorite singer! I love my sweet tone deaf son!
Who is smarter? Depends, we are both pretty smart in our own ways.
Whose temper is worse? His is. He controls it pretty well though, so if you ask others, they will say me, because I don't control my temper as much as David does.
Who does the laundry? I do! David is so NOT allowed to touch my washer or dryer! And especially NOT mine or Alex's clothes! He is banned! Banned I tell you!
Who does the dishes? We both do, I cook, he'll do the dishes.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Right now I do. I usually HAVE to sleep closest to the door just in case I need a fast exit, or if Alex is crying in his room. But since Alex is currently in our room and his bed is on the right side of the room thats where I sleep!
Who pays the bills? We both make the money, but I pay the bills. I dont think David even knows how much car payments or our mortgage payments are LOL
Who mows the lawn? We currently do not have a lawn! LOL but David usually did. Or we had a gardener.
Who cooks dinner? I do. David makes really good French Toast though LOL
Who drives when you are together? Depends whose car we are in, or how far we are driving.
Who is more stubborn? Both are!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Neither one LOL
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine, they live like 5 minutes away.
Who proposed? David did. He made me do a scavenger hunt in the pouring rain! LOL
Who has more friends? I do, but they are live in California )o:
Who has more siblings? He does. There are 5 kids in his family and 4 in mine.
Who wears the pants in the family? Hmm we both wear pants. (o: Actually Alex wears pants too! We are all equal! (o:


Michelle said...

Yay for the post! And yes, you better watch out, you don't want to invoke the wrath of the pregnant woman!!! LOL :)

Sue said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was SO fun to read . . . I loved the line about your adorable, stone deaf son . . . and David learned how to make that scrumptious french toast when he was a little cubscout (and the lady next door was his leader) . . . he has been making it ever since, and yeah, it is GREAT!!!! (You should try it made with MY yummy homemade bread!!!) =o)

Sam said...

french toast is so best with fresh bread... we totally had this random 'restraunt' that Dave and I would do, when we were kids - where he'd cook and I'd go around taking orders and bringing people food... and we'd have little 'toys' for Dust, since he got to order from the kid's menu and all (and yes, french toast and scrambled eggs was ALL that was on the menu)

Fun stuff... I am feeling so free since this is the first time in ages that someone hasn't tagged ME! And I definatley would watch out for that pregnant lady, she's pretty vicious at times ;o)

Tania said...

Oh I totally forgot to TAG someone! Thanks for reminding me Sam! I tag Sam, Kim and Sue (o:

Sam said...

dang, I was talking about how MASH hadn't tagged me... I didn't mean to remind you that YOU hadn't tagged anyone... *sigh*

Oh well, I can keep my record of always being tagged - this looked like a fun one anyways.

Kimberly said...

my friend you are a jerk! a relationship survey!!! you know i am not in a relationship! what a scumbag! why do i keep you around! lol