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Friday, February 8, 2008

YEY for Portable Hard Drives!

I feel like such a nerd for being excited about having a portable hard drive for my computers! haha! Well a few months ago I had some problems with my lap top, and lost everything!!!! Yes including whatever pictures I had on my laptop! (Not to mention my grade book! yikes!) Anyway that got me really nervous! Since I have thousands of pictures on my desk top computer, and if THAT computer ever decides to betray me greatly and crash I'd loose everything!!!!!!! Mine and David's entire relationship (in pictures) is in that computer!! My bridal shower, wedding, baby shower, Christmases, Thanksgivings, everything!! Over 8 years worth of pictures are on my desk top computer! If I ever lost all those pictures and memories I'd be DEVASTATED!!!!!!!! I have so many pictures of Kai on those!!!!!!! I'd NEVER be able to replace those!! At least new born pictures of Alex I could get back from my parents, or David's parents, or aunts and uncles and friends. But SOME no one else has!!!!! So I told David that I wanted to put all of my pictures on CDs and put them in our fire safe. Then he told me that it would take over 100 CDs to put ALL of our pictures on if I don't want to reduce their size. Yikes! He told me I should get an external or portable hard drive, and put all of our important things on it. So I searched and searched and found one that holds over 640,000 pictures! So I figure for now that would be more than enough space! So I got all of the pictures from David's laptop, my lap top, and my computer. I still need to get the ones from Davids computer on my hard drive. But its SO neat to be able to have them all in one spot and take where ever I go!! I brought it to school with me on Tuesday and showed videos of Alex to my class (since it was raining, and we had rainy day schedule anyways), and they loved it!! I showed my class pictures of everyone! They thought it was so cool!! They at first couldn't understand why Alex's cousins were so white! LOL Until I explained it to them! Kids are so funny! LOL Anyway so my advice for the day is, get a portable hard drive and save your pictures! I'll post and take a picture of my cute blue one for you later!!! It was only $104!!!!!! Totally WORTH the investment if you ask me!!!!! (o:


Sam said...

I want one!

lol, you're making me nervous... I wonder if I could get by with CDs or DVDs for a while - I really do need to back up my pictures though! Scary though!

Michelle said...

That is a great idea! Now I am really's amazing how much we rely on computers and other things and don't realize it until we lose everything! Yikes!

Sue said...

LOL the comment about your class wondering why all ALex's cousins were so white totally cracked me up . . . you never mentioned you married into an albino norwegian family? heh heh heh ;o)

Glad you found a way to back things up . . . that would be SUCH a shame to lose almost a DECADE worth of precious photo memories!!!

Tania said...

It's funny because they know David is white lol They've seen pictures of him, and know Hendrickson isn't a hispanic last name lol I dont think they thought about the rest of the family! LOL

Matt said...

Heh. White cousins. ;D

Your slacker husband's blog is discontinued, by the way. He's a jerkface, and someone needs to punch him in the face. I would say that on his blog, but it isn't there anymore, and if I emailed it to him I'm not sure he'd show it to anyone. ;D