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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

I'm letting my kids watch President Obama's inauguration today! What an amazing exciting day it is for our Country. Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King's Day yesterday and now watching the first African American become president! Wow our country has come so far! (o: What a historic day today will be!!

(Oh yeah another Historical Event haha The Cardinal's are going to the SUPERBOWL!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!)


Jenniffer A. Lopez said...

I heard that sista man!!! These two events are sure to go down in history!!

Sam said...

lol... Obama's inauguration and the cardinals going to the super bowl, huh?

I wondered if you'd care about the cardinal's thing... Arizona pride or something?

Cool you guys watched the inauguration though - I am going to have to see a video of it later, I have my hands full today.

Michelle said...

I love that Obama's inaguration AND the superbowl made it in the same post. lol

Jennifer said...

Did your kids like it? My kids were so excited, I was surprised how much they knew.

Tania said...

My kids did like it. They said he used a lot of big words they didn't understand. So I had to explain a lot of it to them. They really enjoyed it though!

Yes we watched the Cardinal game on Sunday. Very good game! We are so watching the Superbowl too!! (o:

Sue said...

It really was extra cool that the inauguration fell so close to MLK day . . . it WAS exciting and inspiring to see how far the country has come . . .

That is awesome that the kids got to watch it and be a part of history! =o)