Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Come on Mom!

Alex has been talking for a while now. He could point at things and tell you what they are, or he'll ask "What's that?" or "Who is that?" if he doesnt know who or what something (or someone). He's starting to put small sentences together now too! We went to Wal*Mart with my mom (Alex's Nana) yesterday. And he saw some balloons. And he decided that he DESERVED one. I told him that we would have to ask the photo center people if he would have one. So we walked up there, I told him, "Go ask her" and he said to her like a big kid "Balloon please!" and started doing his little grabby fingers at the balloons LOL The lady thought it was hilarious that this little boy was politely demanding a balloon from her! So she was nice and gave him three balloons! And so we started our shopping trip. He can't just walk nicely anymore. He either runs, or runs and jumps! And he's gotten brave where he will actually run pretty fast and jump with both feet off the ground! (He used to just kinda pick up one foot, while the other is still on the floor lol). He's making shopping trips so much longer than they need to be, but he HAS to push the shopping cart, sure he cant see over the top, and crashes into things and people. But that doesnt stop him from trying to help. He also keeps putting random stuff in the cart. Yesterday I found, pencils, dolls, cars, paint rollers, a candle, nail polish and ONE sock lol My mom said he was doing his Christmas shopping! LOL Crazy kid. But I cant just take everything out of the cart. I have to wait until he is no longer looking, or he'll be deeply offended that his purchases weren't worthy of being bought LOL Anyway he also kept pointing people out and asking me "Mama who is that?" and I would tell him "I dont know, some little girl?" and he would look at me and say "What's name?" and I told him "I don't know her. So I dont know her name" and he looked very annoyed and looked me straight in the face and said "Come on Mom!!" LOL I was cracking up! I was like "What the heck! Did this kid just get mad at me for not knowing that kids name?" lol And that wasn't even the end of that he went up to he and kicked her! And said "Did you see that Nana?" LOL


Sam said...

too funny - this whole thing reminds me of Edelweiss... although she wasn't so much into running and jumping at that age.

Godzilla, latley, calls every kid he sees "Abby". That's the name of one of our neighbor kids and apparently anyone who is not his sister, is 'Abby'...

It'd be so fun to let them all play together!

Sue said...

LOL... this was fun to read! This little guy has SOOOOO much energy and personality! I could SO picture this all in my mind as I read it . . . what a little cutie pie!!!

You should just make up silly names for everybody when he asks "that is skittlefritz" . . . "that is matilda sue" . . . LOL . . . maybe those ARE their names . . . who knows? ;o)

I love reading these blogs . . . I am SO glad you guys are doing them!!! =o)

Kimberly said...

Your kid is crazy but I miss him greatly! You need to start carrying around a video to capture this hilarious stuff! (0: Ok talk to you later friend of mine