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Monday, November 26, 2007


Well since Jenn needs something to read and she told me that I had to update my blog I'll be posting some new stuff after school. And since the kids (I'm at work) are doing group work, I could do this real quick. My sister in law Sam, "TAGGED" me kinda lol So I'm supposed to write 6 unusual things about myself. So here goes...

1. I'm the worst liar ever. (Which is not a bad thing) I always thought that I could lie and get away with it lol I tend to stutter or look around and say "Um" a lot. Or I OVER exaggerate, like "That plate broke because there was a HUGE earthquake and a stampede of elephants came in the room and ....blah blah blah" LOL So I just stay away from lying since I suck at it anyways LOL

2. I can wiggle my baby toe on my right foot without moving any other toe. Now thats some amazing talent! LOL I don't know how I discovered this talent, but it grosses Kim out and I like to torture her by spontaneously saying "Hey Kim, check this out!" LOL and she will ALWAYS fall for it lol

3. I love to shop. But not for stuff for me! Whenever David and I go to the store, I fill up the cart with stuff I HAVE to have, and by the time we get to the register all the stuff I had to have are gone. Sorry to all the employees at the stores I shop at since they have like major "Go Backs" to put away after I leave LOL I could always find a million things I have to get for Alex or David. David always says "Why do you even bother getting stuff when you wont buy it?" I think I'm rubbing off on David lol He is doing it too lol

4. I have a BAD temper. I could take a lot from people before it makes me mad. But watch out when you do! I have zero tolerance for going anywhere where people are bothered by you asking them to do their job. And if they give me bad customer service, I WILL say something. Going to restaurants is the worse since some waiters / waitresses hate their jobs and wont get you refills and when you ask for one they have an attitude problem. So they will hear about it too lol (This doesn't happen as often as bad service does lol)

5. I crack my writs ALL the time. I dont even notice I do it anymore. I guess years of sports takes it toll on your hands eventually. But if you ever just watch me I'll crack my wrists. Its random but I'll do it like seriously 100 times or so a day!

6. I pretend to write on anything all the time LOL If someone says a word I want to remember I'll "write" it down with my finger, and the word sticks to my mind LOL I think I remember WHERE I wrote the word down and thats how I remember the word. LOL Does that make sense?? LOL

Ok so now you know what a big weirdo I am LOL I hope you still love me (o: This was easier than I thought LOL And I could probably think of other weird things I do all the time too LOL


Sue said...

This was SO fun to read . . . I love that you torture Kim and she ALWAYS falls for it. That is SO hilarious (sorry, Kim) ;o)

This was great . . . I love knowing you better. I liked that you pretend to write things down to help you remember . . . I took a typing class in like seventh grade (the summer before seventh grade, actually, I think) and ever since then, when I am thinking, ESPECIALLY when I am trying to remember things, I 'type' the things I am thinking . . . even down to moving my fingers against my palms, like I am typing. It is totally weird and bugs the HECK out of me that I do it . . . but all these years later, I STILL do it . . . sigh . . . =o|

Kimberly said...

You and your creepy toe are disgusting...quite disturbing! I knew you were an odd ball but after you listed them all now I really see it...and there are a few I could add to your list (0: I hope your kid doesn't pick up on any of your habits...I will no longer claim him DON'T TEACH HIM THE CREEPY TOE THING! that ain't right fool! (0: