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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mama's Boy!

Alex is such a mama's boy! My brother, Mario was in the ER today, with some weird stomach bug thing. So my mom, sister Jenniffer, and I went to the hospital to sit and wait with him and his girlfriend Becky. Apparenlt they had been there since 1am! We didnt know until after 7pm! So we were there for 3 hours! Since that was going to hit Alexs bed time, he stayed home with David. He apparently did really good, fell asleep before 8pm, and everything was going good for David, and his sleeping baby. Until 9:30 came along, and Alex woke up wanting his mommy, who was nowhere to be found! Uh oh! So he started to cry and was a very sad little boy! So David called me and I talked to Alex, and he stopped crying, and decided that he would be good and calm down for his daddy, who was trying really hard to comfort this sad boy! Mario was able to go home at 10:30pm, and was feeling a lot better! (Phew!) and so I went home. When I got home everything was quiet, except for a little sad voice saying "Mama? Mama?" and a reasurring voice from his dad "Yeah, mama is home!" and then LOUD Crying! "MAMA! MAMA! MAMA!" lol My poor little mama's boy!


Sue said...

AWWWW . . . he DOES love his mama. He also adores his daddy and missed HIM when he was out here visiting over Halloween . . . he is lucky to be SO adored by BOTH parents . . . AND lots of other assorted aunts and uncles and grandparents on both sides of the family, as well as friends, etc. He should grow up feeling VERY confident and secure, surrounded and immersed in SO much love . . .


Sam said...

It is SO FUN when they like you best... muhahahahaha... my baby boy likes his Daddy more than me latley, the little jerk-face...