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Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

We had Thanksgiving at our new house this year! I was a little worried because I was in charge of making the Turkey this year. It wasn't at bad as I thought. The yukiest part was taking the bag of guts and neck whatever is in the bad out. And my Turkey came out really good! I was worried that the outside would look good, and once we were cutting it, it would be frozen or something and everyone would get sick. But nope, it was good and perfect if I do say so myself LOL We had my parents and brother Mario and his girlfriend Becky come over. It was nice having them over. Alex took a nap while we were eating dinner, so everyone was able to eat "Peacefully" without having grubby little toddler hands all over their food, or someone throwing food on the floor then saying "Uh oh!" lol We missed our family and friends in California and Iowa, my sis Jenniffer (She had to work) and sister Cristina and nephew Austin in FL. But we are still thankful for them all. Well here are some pictures.


Michelle said...

Hurrah! I'm glad your turkey turned out well! I still haven't ventured to cook a big Thanksgiving meal yet...I'll have to ask you for pointers when I get to that point ;)

Sue said...

MAN . . . that turkey really DOES look extra yummy!!! I wonder why cooking a turkey SEEMS so intimidating . . . when it really is pretty easy.

Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving . . . I had to really chuckle about you describing what the meal WOULD have been like if Alex had been underfoot . . . I loved the 'uh oh' . . . ;o)