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Thursday, November 8, 2007


Its getting harder and harder to convice Alex that bedtime is a good idea! haha He doesn't want to sleep in his own room, or in the play pen we have set up in our room for him. He decided he HAS to sleep on our bed with me and his dad! You'd think that he isn't that big, and we have a huge Cal. King bed that it shouldnt be a big deal right? WRONG!!!!!!!! Last night he slept with us for like 30 minutes. And I got kicked in the face 7 times, pushed, sat on, jumped on, got my eyes pulled open. Had grubby little fingers up my nose, and in my ears! Ugh! So he finally fell asleep, and I moved him back to his room. Well he stayed asleep until I covered him up.Then he started to cry. So back we went to our room for round 2 of "Daddy sleeps while mom gets beat by a small child!" LOL But I was lucky, he didnt do that, he went right to sleep! (o:

Thats not the hardest part of it all. We have the mornings! He is such a grouch when you wake him up! And I dont wake him all all best like either! I dont jump on him, or pick his nose, or pull his hair or anything like he does when he wants to wake us up! LOL But he STILL throws fit every morning. So I decided his bed time is being moved up an hour! Crazy kid...


Sue said...

LOL . . . every night an adventure, huh? Maybe you SHOULD wake him up like he does you . . . roll over on him . . . stick your fingers in his nose and ears . . . pry open his eyes (preferably with ICY fingers) . . . LOL . . .

MAN . . . I miss those days . . . =o/

Natalee said...

I am SO not a "let the kids sleep in our bed" Mom! LOL! I hate all the pokes and kicks all night. Good Luck getting him in his OWN bed.

Funny that he woke up when you covered him up. Konner always does too. The weirdest thing, is that I still always try to cover him up, even though I know he'll wake up! LOL!