Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 12, 2008


Saturday was a long busy day for us! Since we didnt end up going to California for Sara's bridal shower, we ended up helping our friends move literally ALL day! They have all sorts of "friends" who are always around, for like parties and "fun" stuff. NONE of those jerks showed up to help them move. So my dad, David, Dustin, and I ended up being the only ones who helped. At like 7pm their other friends started showing up! Ugh it was irritating lol Oh well!

Anyway it was fun just chit chatting and helping Brenda set up her new house! He old house was about 1300 sq ft, and their new one is around 3100 sq ft!!!!!!! Was bigger! So they have a lot of furniture to buy sooner or later!

I love new houses. Makes me feel motivated to get our house to where I want it. Would be a lot easier if Alex didn't take out all of his toys every 3 seconds! Or throw Cheeze Its on the living room floor! LOL Oh well! One day I'll have my house set up perfectly! (o:


Natalee said...

Wow! What a BIG jump in size for your friend. How nice of you guys to spend your weekend helping them move too! I bet the guys were exhausted, they always get stuck doing the hard and heavy stuff. . .like POOL TABLES! Ha ha!

Don't worry, if it wasn't cheez its, it's be water poored out every time he's given some. (konner does this)

Michelle said...

I bet they appreciated the help moving SO much! Moving is SUCH a pain! You'll probably get your house set up perfectly the way you want it just in time to sell it and start over again! :) I can't wait to have my little boy here so he can make a mess of my house! Wahoo! (Or at least so I can blame the messes ON him)

Tania said...

Yeah right, David said we are NEVER moving again! LOL Oh well!

Sue said...

They are lucky to have good friends like YOU who DO show up to help with the hard stuff . . . they will LOVE having a bigger house (at least till they get their A/C bill for cooling off a HUGE house in an Arizona heat wave) . . . it is SOOOO much easier to UPsize than it is to DOWNsize . . . BRAVO for helping with the hard stuff!!! THAT is when you know who your REAL friends are!!!!! =o)