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Friday, May 2, 2008

Water Toys are Great!

Jenn got a cool water play thing for the kids to play with this past weekend!! They had SO much fun!! Alex LOVES playing in the water, and is a little fish and could play in it all day if I let him! Thanks Aunt Jenn!

Alex was mad that David wanted to take a
picture with him before he was allowed to
play in the water LOL

He wasnt sure what to do, so he just
stood there touching the water.

His cousins Kailin and Konner came over and
had fun too!

Alex kept tasting the water lol

He had so much fun playing with this!

Cousins, Alex, Konner and Mark

I love his Smile!!

Crazy babies decided it would be fun to drink
out of the water things.

It started getting windy, and the rest of
the kids got out and got dressed. Alex
was kinda sad that he was left alone in here lol


Kimberly said...

looks like you guys had fun...alex does look like a sad sack when he is in there all alone...the water thing looks fun though

Natalee said...

He was shivering and cold, poor kid! He DID NOT want to get out of that thing! LOL!

They all had a good time though, Thanks Jenn!

Sam said...

he looks so sad, all alone out there... Edelweiss and Godzilla would have played with him more!

Um, at least ONE of them probably would have - right?

Sue said...

These pictures are SO cute!!! The kids had a BLAST with that little thingie . . . it was hilarious to watch Alex and Little Mark keep drinking from the 'drinking fountains' (and that IS what they looked like!!! I would have been tempted myself, had I been in a swimsuit and splashing around with them!) ;o)

That was SUCH a good idea for Jenn to bring that over . . . they had a BLAST!!! (And these pictures inspired grampa to do something about that BROWNISH looking grass . . . YIKES!!!!)

It was SO fun to have you come visit for the weekend, we loved seeing you guys (as always) . . .