Today I'm Thankful for Alex's conversational skills! lol That kid seriously CRACKS me up!
David: We should go to the zoo today and see the new Comodo Dragon exhibit!
Tania: Oh that would be fun! We SHOULD go!
Alex: No, Mom! That's not a good idea! It's too cold for YOU! And you've been sick! Maybe NEXT weekend if you are good all week! And eat all of your dinner everyday! Now, you should take a little rest.
LOL Apparently I tell him this a lot! LOL
Since I've gone back to work, I drop Alex and Gabe off with my Mom every Morning. I bundle them up and make sure the boys wear their warm beenies to keep them extra warm. Alex always wants me to take Gabe in the house first.
Me: Who goes in first? You or baby Gabe?
Alex: Baby Gabe for he doesn't get sick!
Me: Ok, that's a good idea!
Alex: Mom! Don't forget to wear your beenie! It's cold outside!
Me: I don't need a beenie sweetie! Thank you though!
Alex: You DO need one! You are going to get sick!
Me: I don't have a beenie right now. It's ok, I'll run in the house!
Alex: No it's NOT OK Mom!
Me: Yes it is! I'll be right back! (I run in a drop off Gabe)
Alex: Mom, if you get sick Dad is going to be mad!
Me: Why will Dad be mad?
Alex: Because you will be grumpy!
Me: Why would I be grumpy?
Alex: Because Dad will ask for a snack! You should borrow my beenie next week!
LOL Apparently when I'm sick I get grumpy when asked for a snack? LOL
We were driving home from my Mom's house last night and Alex wanted to talk to David.
Daddy: Hello?
Alex: Hi Daddy! What are you doing?
Daddy: Just hanging out. What are you doing?
Alex: Just sitting in the car
Daddy: Why are you just sitting? That sounds boring!
Alex: Mom wont let me walk around the car! It's not safe!
Daddy: That's a good idea! (David was getting distracted doing something, so there would be long pauses, Like 2 second pauses every so often)
Alex: Dad, you are being boring!
Daddy: Boring? Why am I being boring?
Alex: Because you aren't talking to me! Talk to me!
Daddy: Ok, what should we talk about?
Alex: Sing me the Sunshine Song!
Daddy: (Proceeds to sing the song)
Alex: Dad, you dont sing good!
Daddy: I dont sing good?! Oh man!
Alex: You need to sing it like Mama does!
Daddy: Like Mom does?! But Mom smells funny!
Alex: You smell funny jerk face!
Daddy: Jerk face?! That's not nice!
Alex: You said Mommy smells funny!
Daddy: That's true.
Alex: Bye Dad!
He then hangs up on him and tells me
Alex: Mom we should call someone else... like Konner!
LOL Crazy kid! He was cracking up the entire conversation with David. Except when David said I smelled funny LOL You can mess up his Sunshine song, but dont you DARE tell him his mom smells funny LOL
I love my kid!