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Thursday, April 24, 2008

C.S Lewis

I'm having my class start reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe! I remember reading thisbook in like 5th grade and I loved it! I remember making a classroom scene of the book! We made the door into a closet door, so people could see it from outside the classroom, and when they came inside the classroom they would see a scene from the book! I am SO doing that with my kids!!!!! I'm going to buy the movie and have the kids watch it once we are done with the book! And my vice principal is getting me Narnia-- Prince Caspian!!!And he even said we could try and take the kids in a field trip to watch the movie when it comes out!!!!!! I am so SUPER excited about this lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE C.S Lewis (Even if people don't agree with his books because of the religious aspect of them. I think they inspire great imagination in kids! So there!) I love it when I'm excited about a lesson, or activity! It makes the kids even MORE excited and willing to do them with me!! I cant wait to transform my classroom into Narnia!!!!!!!!!!!


Sam said...

oooh, fun! I am so excited to read those with Edelweiss and Godzilla when they are older - we have the books, and the movie, lol... and I am excited to see the new one when it comes out (I saw a review that said the second movie is better than the first one)... FUN FUN FUN stuff!

Michelle said...

That is the coolest thing ever!!! I love The Chronicles of Narnia! They are so imaginative and great! Jeff owns them all, so when we first got them, we would read them together at night (even though we are in our 20's not in elementary school) they are still fun! I love how you are decorating your classroom and everything!!! And I love that you get to take your kids on a field trip to see the movie!!! That's awesome!

Kimberly said...

I remember that book in was interesting...I am sure the kids are going to enjoy it (0: Take pictures if you are decorating your class. I want to see.

Natalee said...

This sounds like so much fun Tania! I bet the lessons come out better when you are excited about it too. Make sure you take pictures of your classroom so we can see to!

Sue said...

Oh WOW . . . that is SUCH a good idea!!!! Participating in all that decorating will really make the books come alive to the students (look how well YOU remember all that!) They will love this!!! And you are right, when the teacher is excited and enthusiastic, the kids really catch fire . . .

I happen to LOVE C.S. Lewis . . . I have loved his Narnia books for as long as I can remember, and I love his other writings, too . . .

What a good teacher you are, Tania . . . those kids are so lucky to have you!!! =o)