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Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ok, so my friend Myra posted about her AWESOME Sprinkles cupcake, and Kim told me about Sprinkles cupcakes. So we decided to give them and try and see what all th fuss was about. We take the long drive to California first o all, and then drive to Newport to get these cupcakes lol They close at 7pm, and we got there at 6:30pm! I told my friend Becky to "Tuck and roll!" And get out of the car and save our place in a long line lol So we could get these awesome cupcakes! I mean at $3.50 a cupcake they HAVE to be awesome right?! I dont know if it was because I was sick this weekend, or what, but I've made better cupcakes myself! LOLI was rather dissapointed at how sweet my vanilla cupcake was! I then took one to David and he wasnt impressed either! LOL Oh well! It was fun to drive there and hang out with my friends anyways! (o:

This was the line we waiting in. Alex and Ashley were playing around the table.

I felt so sick here! But I got my sprinkles!!! (o:

Alex shared my cupcake... he wasn't
impressed either lol

Kim and her Sprinkles!

Becky and her Sprinkles water!!!!!

Amber and her cupcakes!

Miss Ashley being weird lol

Kim was right, he didn't savor the
cupcake LOL


Natalee said...

Okay even though you said they are over priced and not that great, I feel like I HAVE to try them now! LOL!

Are you feeling any better yet? How is Alex?

Kimberly said...

It's not about the taste lol it was about the experience...they weren't all they were hyped up to be...I don't care what anyone says! I knew David was going to be his normal beastly self and not savor it. lol...It was fun to hang out though! Bj's wasn't impressive either with dinner...Next time pal next time...

p.s. That is so not a good picture of me and my burnt arms...can you please remove it lol

Michelle said...

David eats food just like one big bite! Which totally takes all of the fun out of it! Sad that the cupcakes didn't end up being that amazing after all...but really, they look SO good...I totally want a cupcake now! haha

Sue said...

LOL I have never even heard of a sprinkles cupcake . . . how funny though for all the hype. (So THAT is why you came to California last weekend . . . it wasn't to visit US at ALL!!!) =oP

Were the chocolate ones any better, Kim?

Kimberly said...

No the chocolate ones were not any better! They are ok I guess. Very very sweet. You can't even eat the whole cupcake.

David A. Hendrickson said...

Yes you can. In one bite. Though I wasn't impressed with it at all. Plastic frosting, and the 'cake' part may have been pumped out of a sewer.
